Bats: Winged Wonders

 4/20/2024 @ 2:00 pm

Join us in celebrating International Bat Appreciation Day (April 17) with a presentation by Maureen Heidtmann, one of only three licensed wildlife rehabilitators in Connecticut specializing in caring for bats. Maureen will begin with an overview of bats of the world, with an emphasis on our local species. She will cover myths and misconceptions about these fascinating creatures, the many roles they play in ensuring a healthy planet, the perils they face as they struggle to survive, and their amazing resilience. Maureen has a permit from the USDA to keep non-releasable bats for educational purposes and she will bring an “ambassador” bat with her to the Center. No registration required. Fee: $5 CAS members; $10 non-members. Hosted by Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret.


Type of Event

Fee Event


218 Day Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259

Additional Info

Easy, Restrooms Nearby, Fee Event, No Dogs

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