Follow the Trail with Bill Reid,
The Last Green Valley's Chief Ranger

Celebrating Nature’s Living Fireworks

July 18, 2024

“Fireflies create a magic that transcends time and space. Their resplendent displays change ordinary landscapes into places ethereal and otherworldly.” From Silent Sparks: The Wonderous World of Fireflies by Sara Lewis. Folks in our neck of the woods enjoy the 4th of July with their…

Exploring June in The Last Green Valley

June 18, 2024

“What finer time of year could one ask for in which to be born than on a day in June? Here on this old farm, which seems the perfect setting for two so interested in the out-of-doors as Nellie and I, another birthday finds me…

Bird Songs of May

May 10, 2024

“Now all buds may swell, methinks; now the summer may begin for all creatures.” May 5, 1852, From the Journal of Henry David Thoreau Two weeks ago, I stepped out into the early morning chill to watch the sunrise paint the eastern horizon. Silently welcoming…

Bears in the Backyard

April 7, 2024

I’ll never forget my first encounter with a black bear in the wild. It was 1972 and I spent spring vacation hiking and camping in Shenandoah National Park and the Blue Ridge Mountains with two high school friends. One night a black bear visited our…

Migrating waterfowl are an early sign of spring

March 6, 2024

“Now is that sweet unwritten moment when all things are possible, are just begun. The little tree is not quite leafed. The mate not yet chosen. For the rambler in the woods all that he can find in heavy books will be less worth what…

Snowy Tracks, Identifying Trees in Winter, and the Start of Sugar Season

February 6, 2024

“February is still Winter, often is full of snow, but its changing light marks the season unmistakably. By February’s end it is still daylight, though somewhat dim, at 6:00 in the evening. By then we know that March and April and Spring are just ahead.”…

Bald Eagle Population on the Rise in The Last Green Valley: Opportunities and Challenges

January 10, 2024

At The Last Green Valley (TLGV) we call January “Eagle Month,” and for good reason. It’s when bald eagles return in greater numbers to the National Heritage Corridor, and we lead outdoor adventures to see these amazing birds in the wild. During the cold of…

Take A Walk in Winter Woods

December 11, 2023

“On this, the shortest day of all the 365, I wander over covered paths of the garden hillside. I wade through the drifts along the swamp edge. I walk over the snow-covered ice among the cattails. The wind is gone. The day is still. The…

Exploring November and Our Autumn Holidays

November 8, 2023

Sunday, November 5 – Today is Daylight Savings Time, and I hope you remembered to set your clock last night. In each of the nation’s time zones, where daylight saving time is observed, the time changes at 2 a.m. local time. On the first Sunday…

Walktober Month and Concern for Maple Tree Autumn Foliage

October 12, 2023

“Trees, our largest and most long-lived plants, shut down food production in preparation for the winter drought. But the hardwoods don’t quietly sulk into dormancy like skunks and groundhogs; they flare in a brilliant flash of color praised by poets and bus tour guides. New…

September: A Month on the Cusp of Change

September 4, 2023

“How earnestly and rapidly each creature, each flower is fulfilling its part while its day lasts! Nature never lost a day, nor a moment. As the planet in its orbit and around its axis, so do the seasons, so does time, revolve, with a rapidity…

Be on the Lookout for Harmful Algae Blooms this Month

August 5, 2023

Those of us who enjoy summertime water recreation activities will want to be ever vigilant this month and on the lookout for algae blooms, especially the potentially harmful blue-green algae blooms that can occur in our waters during August. One of the most dangerous is…