Walktobers Added to the Schedule!
#211 – Horses, Horsepower & Harvesting: Oct. 21, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Blue Slope Country Museum and Farm, 138 Blue Hill Road, Franklin CT. Demos of working horses, oxen and antique tractors. Family-friendly fall activities. Tour the museum and view the antique farm equipment. Free admission. Sponsored by Blue Slope Country Museum and Farm.
Walktober #106 – Andrychowski Family Forest Tour: Oct. 20, 10 a.m. to noon, 68 Ballamahack Rd., Windham, CT. From Rt. 14 take Ballamahack Rd. 200’ past mailbox #68; road turns sharply left; park in field on right at sharp turn. 860-974-0127. Participants will be led by a forester on a hike to view and discuss recent forest management practices on this 100-acre property that has been actively managed for timber for over 40 years. The flat terrain supports several different forest types, evidence of colonial activity and beautiful views of the adjacent Lake Marie on Joshua’s Trust property. Sponsored by Hull Forest Products, www.hullforest.com
Walktober #165 – Moos & More at Cushman Farm: This walk has been cancelled due to the wet weather creating soggy fields.
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