Amelia Simmons – American Cookery
April 4 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

In 1796, Amelia Simmons wrote and published what is widely regarded as the first American cookbook, American Cookery: or the Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry and Vegetables. But other than this bare fact, very little is known about her. Historic Culinarian Pamela Cooley’s passionate interest in culinary history led her to research Amelia Simmons about whom she has lectured virtually at symposiums and museums in the States, in Canada, and online. Her work on Simmons was awarded Honorary Mention in the annual Sophie Coe Prize competition. It’s long been assumed that Amelia was from the Albany, NY area. Ms. Cooley will present the results of her extensive historical and genealogical research, analyze some often-cited theories, and pose a theory of her own – that Amelia was actually from right here in Windham, CT!
Please contact John Kelly at jk54vw@gmail.com if you require more information.