Vampirism in CT

Eastern CT Veterans Community Center 47 Crescent St., Willimantic

Here about vampirism during the 1800’s in CT from historian Bev York. Rare practice of exhuming the dead believed to be spreading tuberculosis.  Light refreshments. $10 per person



Hitchcock Free Academy Brookfield Road, Brimfield

Fencing is a sport of combat that originally started as practice for dueling with swords. Since that time, it has grown into a modern sport while maintaining those virtues that…


Dustin Pari Presents: In Times of Strangeness

Gladys E. Kelly Public Library 2 Lake St., Webster

In this epic lecture, Dustin presents his A-Z list of strange things. Cryptid creatures, phantom spirits, and elusive legends, all come out to play in this amazingly unique presentation. Fun?…