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Calendar of Events
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Hay Burr Inn Winter Trail of Lights
Hay Burr Inn Winter Trail of Lights
Enjoy the magic of the winter season at your local equine rescue and sanctuary. Come meet the equines and walk the lighted trail with family and friends. The trail is a dirt path that is about a half-mile long. There is a slight hill at the end. Dates are Friday, December 20th, Sunday, December 29th…
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Quabbin, Then and Now
Quabbin, Then and Now
Presented by Dale Monette of North Quabbin Photography. Dale has taken DCR images from the Quabbin Reservoir archives taken in the mid 1930’s of the construction of the Quabbin Reservoir and recreated these photographs from the same location in present day settings. Many never seen before images are included. Registration is appreciated. https://charltonlibrary.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/quabbin-then-and-now/
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Bee Keeping 101
Bee Keeping 101
If you are considering becoming a beekeeper or are just curious about what is involved and want to help our pollinators, this presentation is for you! We'll discuss the time commitment, what equipment is needed and where you can get it, and all the dynamics of the hive throughout the seasons. Come learn all about…