Invasive Plant Management Workshop
April 26 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learn about invasive plants: how to identify those common to our area, why they are detrimental to our forests and gardens, and the best methods for managing them. Follow up with hands-on work along the trails in a public-access woodland owned by Joshua’s Trust.
Led by professional botanists and invasive plant specialists Drs. Charlotte Pyle and Cindi Jones, organized by Mansfield Invasive Plants Working Group, and open to all.
Some tools will be provided, but participants are welcome to bring loppers or heavy-duty pruners if they have them. Sturdy gloves are encouraged.
Participants will be provided with invasive plant identification guides to take home.
Saturday, April 26 (rain date Saturday, May 3). 10AM to noon. Mansfield Center.
Limited to 10 participants. Please register with Melissa Sheardwright for additional details: msheardwright@yahoo.com
Join us to learn and to make a difference!