OUT OF THE SHADOWS: Local Soldiers from the Connecticut 29th Colored Regiment
November 7, 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
On Thursday, November 7th at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 7 Providence Road (Route 6), Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Historical Society will sponsor the program OUT OF THE SHADOWS: Local Soldiers from the Connecticut 29th Colored Regiment. The presentation, an illustrated lecture by local historian and educator Donna Dufresne, will introduce us to northeastern Connecticut Civil War soldiers of African and Nipmuc descent. Ms. Dufresne’s presentation begins with the story of Charles Webster whose Civil War gravestone stands alone in the Natchaug Forest. OUT OF THE SHADOWS is based on a curriculum project written by Donna Dufresne which was funded by a grant from The Last Green Valley. Using census data, period maps, and military records, students who participated in the program identified where some of the local soldiers of the 29th Colored Regiment lived, worked, and worshipped, and constructed their stories.