Follow the Trail with Bill Reid,
The Last Green Valley's Chief Ranger

Finding Beauty in January Freshly Fallen Snow

January 5, 2021

“On this day of bleak cold, the earth seems dead. Yet every northern field and hillside, like a child, has seeds and powers of growth locked within it. From cocoon to bur on a winter’s day, there is everywhere life, dormant but waiting,” By Edwin…

A 2021 Monthly Guide to Exploring The Last Green Valley

December 29, 2020

New Year’s Day is Friday and each of us will welcome 2021 in our own way. I will be happy to see 2020 in the rearview mirror. The challenges this past year were unprecedented in my lifetime, and, even with the turn of the calendar…

Welcome to winter – the season of snowshoes

December 21, 2020

The snows of winter arrived early this year, even before this week’s storm that covered The Last Green Valley in significant inches. Despite the recent arrival of the white stuff, winter actually starts Dec. 21 at 5:02 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Welcome to the Winter…

Giving the Gift of Nature & Conservation in The Last Green Valley

December 21, 2020

As the holidays approach I have been thinking about what gifts to purchase for family and friends. I try to shop at smaller local businesses as much as possible and in recent years have focused on giving “experiences” rather than things. This has led me…

A late fall invasion of blackbirds: the common grackle

December 9, 2020

Two years ago my wife Julie and I were driving through Hartford on the way to visit our daughter in West Hartford. We had crossed the Connecticut River and were through the city when suddenly the sky was full, and I mean full as in…

Exploring the Last Green Valley: Beauty found in December evergreens

December 1, 2020

“Each pine is like a great green feather stuck in the ground. Myriad white pine boughs extend themselves horizontally, one above and behind another, each bearing its burden of silvery sunlight…” — from Henry David Thoreau’s journal, Nov. 30, 1851 Today’s column is the third in…

The Amazing Cranberry: More Than a Thanksgiving Side Dish

December 1, 2020

There are many seasonal and holiday foods that appear on supermarket shelves throughout the year. Halloween and Valentine’s Day bring out candy. There is lamb for Easter and corn beef and cabbage for Saint Patrick’s Day. Thanksgiving is all about turkey, and I know folks…

The Princess Pine of the Forest

November 17, 2020

No matter the time of year I always discover something fascinating when on a woods walk. Every month of each season the forest gives up its secrets for us to encounter and admire. On Nov. 3 (following an early morning visit to the polls) I…

Nature Writers to Inspire the Backyard Naturalist

November 10, 2020

I was very fortunate to grow up on a three-acre wooded hill. Beyond our lot were acres of woods and suburban forest. The neighborhood kids knew all the secret paths and shortcuts leading us to small streams and ponds, deeper woods and a myriad of…

Finding Beauty in November

November 5, 2020

“Now the hours of daylight are shortening noticeably. Dusk and dark advance minute by minute as these November nights close down.” – Edwin Way Teale, from “Circle of the Seasons, November 7, The Darker Days” Today’s column is the second in a series about finding…

Exploring Burial Grounds in The Last Green Valley

October 27, 2020

“Farewell vain world and friends that weep for me Dust and a shadow these I leave with thee” From the epitaph of Joshua Manning, the great Windham carver, cut by his own hand. One might think the reason for this column is that Halloween is…

The Ephemeral Freshwater Jellyfish

October 21, 2020

“A jellyfish, if you watch it long enough, begins to look like a heart beating. It’s their pulse, the way they contract swiftly, then release. Like a ghost heart — a heart you can see right through, right into some other world where everything you…