Follow the Trail with Bill Reid,
The Last Green Valley's Chief Ranger

A Morning Birthday Walk

June 21, 2020

The older I get the less birthdays mean to me. All I wish for is a quiet day, a meal with my wife and a few friends and time for contemplation. The kids and siblings will call, and I will sing along as my sister…

Exploring Joshua’s Trust Allanach-Wolf and Tinkerville Brook Properties

June 11, 2020

If you are a regular reader of this column you know I’ve been visiting land trust properties in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor this spring. I’ve shared some of my finds already. Today I want to tell you about two properties owned by…

We’re seeing more and more ospreys take flight

June 4, 2020

“The habits of this famed bird differ so materially from those of almost all others of its tribe that an accurate description of them cannot fail to be interesting to the student of nature.”   John James Audubon I’ll never forget the first time I saw…

Exploring trails less traveled with Avalonia Land Conservancy

May 28, 2020

For the past several weeks I have been exploring land trust properties throughout The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. I’ve shared some of those experiences in previous columns. Today I want to share with you two Avalonia Land Conservancy preserves. Founded in 1968, Avalonia’s…

Local farms are a good source for all kinds of food

May 19, 2020

We are living in challenging times. We are getting pretty good at practicing social distancing and used to wearing protective masks when in public. I do look forward to a time when things slowly return to normal. The one store we have had to visit…

Exploring Pollinator Pathways in The Last Green Valley

May 13, 2020

I’ve been thinking about pollinators a lot lately. Regular readers of this column know I’ve planned and planted a pollinator garden in my own yard. But I also know there is so much more to learn about pollinators, so I was pleased to see the…

Exploring the Many Colors of Spring Time

May 4, 2020

April was a month of exploration for me. Despite the chilly temperatures and frequent dreary, rainy days I found plenty of time to get out in the great outdoors of The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. I took the time to explore wooded trails…

Every Month is Earth Month: Make a Start to Make a Difference

April 29, 2020

April is Earth Month in The Last Green Valley, and to honor the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, I wanted to give you some more ways you can celebrate and support the goals of Earth Day – not just this month, but throughout the year.…

Exploring 50 Years of Earth Day

April 20, 2020

“The care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope.” From “The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays” by…

Land Trust Hiking Locations in The Last Green Valley

April 20, 2020

Here in The Last Green Valley we are blessed with many different types of outdoor recreation. We certainly do not lack in trails to hike, bike and run, and we can thank the numerous land trusts active in the National Heritage Corridor for many miles…

Backyard Birds, Buds and Blooms

April 11, 2020

I’ve grown even more appreciative of my own backyard these last few weeks. I’ve always taken the time to walk the property regularly, and I am constantly surprised by the diversity of life I find. I thought sharing with you some of my observations in…

Exploring and Social Distancing in The Last Green Valley

April 2, 2020

Here in The Last Green Valley and throughout the country, millions of us are living life remotely. Non-essential businesses have been closed in both Connecticut and Massachusetts. Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont’s advice regarding outdoor recreation according to the state website is, “individuals should limit outdoor…