Follow the Trail with Bill Reid,
The Last Green Valley's Chief Ranger

American Woodcock a Harbinger of Spring

March 23, 2020

On a cool evening last week my wife, Julie, and I drove out to Blue Flag Meadow in Hampton. We parked, stepped through the entrance gate at the edge of the large, 10-acre field and walked out to the open expanse. Although the day had…

A fox in the headlights

March 10, 2020

One night long ago I was driving along a dark road in Woodstock when my headlights caught a fox along the side of the road. For a moment it stood frozen in the light, then turned and jumped over a stone wall back into the…

Celebrating Women’s History Month in The Last Green Valley

March 10, 2020

Aug. 18, marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote in the United States. With today marking the first day of Women’s History Month, I’ve been thinking about the important role women have played in…

The First Signs of Spring

March 3, 2020

I have been thinking about the approach of spring. The Vernal Equinox is just days away (March 19), but winter has hardly been what we usually associate with the cold months of the year. Woe to the ice fisherman this winter with very little ice…

Back road bat mobile in The Last Green Valley

February 23, 2020

During the summer months my wife, Julie, and I drive the Bat Mobile along the dark roads of Windham County. Our patrol route is a 20-mile transect of small country roads between Windham and Putnam. While I would like you to think we are driving…

Role of the forester is keeper

February 23, 2020

“I have loved my woods since the day I first walked in them, but my appreciation of them has increased exponentially since I first had a professional forester walk in my woods with me.” — Stephen Long from “More Than A Woodlot: Getting the Most…

Finding Tracks in The Last Green Valley

February 10, 2020

A few weeks ago, The Last Green Valley woke to a crisp Sunday winter morning. Four inches of soft, wet snow fell overnight, and the storm had blown itself out, replaced by a stiff breeze and clearing skies — perfect conditions for wildlife tracking. I…

The Mount Hope River

January 29, 2020

Last month I wrote about the Still River and Bigelow Brook in the first of my series about smaller rivers within The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. The series is inspired by a group of water resources professionals, community leaders and other interested folks…

Time to plan a pollinator garden

January 24, 2020

One of the joys of winter is when the seed and plant catalogues arrive in the mail. Warm memories of spring and summer jump from the glossy pictures of plump vegetables and colorful flowers. The catalogues are a brief respite from the dreary winter shades…

Childhood Memories Renew My Desire to Get Youth Outside

January 20, 2020

I have a tense relationship with social media. At times I find it useful and at others it is anything but. Earlier this week, however, it offered me an opportunity for nostalgia. Someone created a Facebook page for the town I grew up in and…

Bill Hull: A conservation leader in The Last Green Valley

January 8, 2020

Saturday is the birthday of renown conservationist Aldo Leopold. He was a scientist, ecologist, forester, author and environmentalist and is best known for his book “A Sand County Almanac.” In his chapter “The Land Ethic,” Leopold wrote “the land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of…

A 2020 Bucket List of Places to Visit in The Last Green Valley

December 30, 2019

With the New Year approaching it’s goodbye 2019 and hello 2020. What will the New Year bring for you and your family here in The Last Green Valley? As I contemplate the year ahead, I like to think about the places I have not visited…