Follow the Trail with Bill Reid,
The Last Green Valley's Chief Ranger

Exploring The Last Green Valley: Hike to Breakneck Pond like visiting home of old friend

September 30, 2019

In my capacity as chief ranger of The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor, I have maintained a tradition for the past several years of leading a hike or paddle on the first day of each season. We have enjoyed winter solstice snowshoe treks, vernal…

The Air Line Trail State Park: A recreation resource to be explored

September 23, 2019

Last year my wife and I purchased new bicycles. We purchased multi-use bikes with wider tires than the narrow tires for biking on roads. Our plan was to explore the rail trails throughout New England and The Last Green Valley. Our first stop was the…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: Walktober nears as Autumnal Equinox does

September 15, 2019

Welcome to the last week of summer. Sorry, but someone had to break it to you. The Autumnal Equinox in our Northern Hemisphere is Sept. 23 at exactly 3:50 a.m. in Eastern Connecticut. On that day, the sunrise and sunset are 12 hours apart. The…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: Mighty oak has glorious past, perilous present, hopeful future

September 9, 2019

“Since the glaciers last retreated and since humans began to build and settle down, there have been but two versions of the world: the world made of wood and the world made with coal and oil. One lasted twelve to fifteen millennia; the other has…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: This is ‘empty nest’ time for us and the birds

September 1, 2019

Two weeks ago, my colleague took her youngest child to college thereby joining the “empty nest” club. My youngest left the nest more than 15 years ago, but I still remember the jumbled feelings of hope and pride mixed with a tinge of sadness. For…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: General Lyon’s birthplace and burial along Natchaug Trail

August 25, 2019

It was during a Walktober event led by State Archaeologist Nicholas Bellantoni that I first learned about General Nathaniel Lyon of Eastford. Bellantoni took us along the Natchaug Trail in the Natchaug Forest to Nathaniel Lyon Memorial Park and the remains of Lyon’s birthplace home…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: Luna moth a recognizable, beautiful creature

August 18, 2019

A few weeks ago, I discovered a large, bright green caterpillar in the yard. It was the size of my thumb with small dark spots and several hairy spines on its back. The caterpillar was inching through recently mowed grass and I tried to entice…

Understand the Invasive Japanese Knotweed before doing battle

August 11, 2019

This is the time of year when the invasive plant Japanese knotweed is blooming in large clusters of greenish-white flowers. This perennial plant blooms in August and September and is quite visible along sunny roadsides in long swaths of green from 3 to 10 feet…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: Forest ferns beautiful and fascinating plants

August 5, 2019

“Truly, out of the darkness, where forever the stems of our little northern ferns are hid, the frond reaches up an eager hand for the blessed sunlight.” From “An Almanac for Moderns,” by Donald Culross Peattie A summertime walk in the woods reveals large patches…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: DEEP is your access point to our state parks and forests

July 28, 2019

When was the last time you visited one of our many state parks and state forests? August is here, summer is moving quickly through the warm season, so now is the perfect time to plan a visit. Here in Connecticut the opportunities are boundless, especially…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: Crows bring ‘murder’ to our neighborhoods

July 21, 2019

I think we have a family of crows nesting in our neighborhood. Perhaps they have a nest in the thick woods between our house and the highway, or it might be in the trees south of our back field. We see them frequently throughout the…

Exploring The Last Green Valley: We must preserve the region’s farmland

July 14, 2019

What do 18 farms within six towns in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor all have in common? Each has been protected from development by the Connecticut Farmland Trust. The town of Lebanon alone has 12 protected farms, more than any other town in…