10/06/2024 @ 10:00 am
Take your leaf peeping to the next level! Visit Gray Ledge Tree Farm on your quest for colorful foliage and learn the “plant science 101” method of identifying leaves by their color. Bring something to collect your finds and preserve them. Walk leader Griff Gray is a retired science teacher and long-time scout leader who is well-versed in the science of nature and connecting with kids of all ages. The farm is a beautiful place to learn more about why fall bursts with color. Sponsored by Gray Ledge Tree Farm & Scouts of America Troop 73. Find them on Facebook.
Type of Event
210 Lathrop Rd., Plainfield, CT
Additional Info
Easy, Restrooms Nearby; Especially for Families with children; Leashed pets welcome. Repeats 10/6 @ 2 pm
12:00 PM