10/05/2024 @ 9:00 am
Join TLGV Ranger Kyle Gregoire for a 2-mile walk with slight elevation change here and there as we meander Mansfield Hollow State Park to learn about the regional watershed, history of flooding and the dam, Lost Mansfield and more. Meet at the pavilion – up a drive from the main park entrance/state park sign. OPTIONAL PERK: arrive at 8:30 am and learn about coffee making in the backcountry and enjoy a sample as we wait for folks to arrive for the walk. Registration not required but appreciated. Rain or shine. Sponsored by TLGV Ranger Kyle Gregoire.
860-759-526, ksgregoire@gmail.com
Type of Event
151 Bassetts Bridge Rd. Mansfield, CT.
Additional Info
Easy, Restrooms Nearby; Leashed pets welcome. Park by the park's pavilion, located up a small drive into the park on the north side of Bassetts Bridge Rd. (opposite side of the road from the dam).
11:00 AM