Earth Month Cleanups Abound!
Join your family, friends, and neighbors in sprucing up The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor – join a cleanup and make a difference! Funding for many of these cleanups has been provided in part by The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV). Visit www.thelastgreenvalley.org for more details about each cleanup.
Keep Killingly Clean Month-Long Town-Wide Cleanup – Throughout the month, pick up green trash bags at the Economic Development Office on the 2nd floor of Town Hall, and collect trash in your neighborhood, streets and open spaces. The town will pick up the trash bags on Mondays.
Thompson Together’s Month-Long Town-Wide Cleanup – Step up and help out during the 12th annual town-wide roadside cleanup for the entire month of April. Contact Thompson Together for a section of town to clean.
Clean Up Lebanon Month-Long Town-Wide Cleanup – Get free blue garbage bags at the office of the First Selectman, and pick up roadside trash throughout the month. Leave your bags by the side of the road, call the town, and town crews will pick them up.
NFA Students Cleanup Norwich – Students from Norwich Free Academy’s Marine & Environmental Sciences programs will be doing cleanups during April and May. Give them a toot and a thumbs up when you see them at work!
Town-Wide Chaplin Cleanup – The Chaplin Conservation Commission will be holding a town-wide cleanup of public spaces (roads, parks, cemeteries) on Saturday, April 15th from 9 am – 1 pm. Volunteers can choose a location to clean and then bring the trash to dump trucks or dumpsters near Town Hall and Garrison Park. Food and beverages will be provided after the cleanup.
Killingly Business Association Downtown Danielson Main Street Cleanup – The KBA will hold its annual Main Street cleanup on Wednesday, April 19th from 9 – 11 am. Spring vacation is a great time to involve your kids in a service project! Meet at Town Hall.
Sturbridge Trails Committee Earth Day Spring Clean Up – The Sturbridge Trails Committee and Friends of Sturbridge Trails will be cleaning up the newly-acquired property and trails of Plimpton Community Forest on Saturday, April 22nd from 8 am – noon. Meet at 277 New Boston Road. Trash bags and gloves will be provided. Pizza lunch to follow the cleanup.
Beautify Southbridge – The Town of Southbridge and The Center of Hope Foundation are planning an Earth Day cleanup on April 22nd from 8:30 – 11:30 am. Meet at the Town Hall for an assignment. Trash bags, gloves, and grabbers will be provided, and snacks and a token of appreciation will be provided after the cleanup.
West Dudley Pond Clean Up – The Quinebaug Rail Trail Committee will host a cleanup of West Dudley Pond on April 22nd from 8:30 am – noon. Meet at West Dudley Road at the trailhead at 8:30 am for coffee and a donut before setting out. Gloves, trash bags and grabbers will be provided as well as pizza after the cleanup.
Beautify Holland – Meet at the Holland Community Center on Saturday, April 22nd at 9 am for this first roadside cleanup. Work until 11:30, then return to the Community Center for pizza.
Sprague Earth Day Town-Wide Cleanup Day – Join the town-wide cleanup on Saturday, April 22nd from 10 am – 1 pm. Meet at the Grist Mill parking lot. Clean up and take advantage of the free dump day! Pizza for all volunteers at 1 pm.
GOSA’s Haley Farm Cleanup Day – The Groton Open Space Association will be hosting its 20th annual Haley Farm State Park cleanup on Saturday, April 22nd from 10 am – 2 pm. Meet at Haley Farm State Park. Work gloves, trash bags, food and drinks will be provided to all volunteers.
Canterbury Lions Club Clean Up – The annual town-wide cleanup will be held rain or shine from 9 am – noon on Saturday, April 22nd. Meet at Canterbury Town Hall. Trash bags will be provided, but please bring work gloves. Refreshments will be provided around noon at the end of the cleanup.
Cat Hollow Park Cleanup – The Killingly Conservation Commission will host a cleanup of Cat Hollow Park on Dog Hill Road on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:30 – 11:30 am. Volunteers will be removing trash and debris from the road, established trails, and the old mill race way. Gloves and lunch provided.
Putnam Nature Trail Cleanup – The Greater Putnam Interfaith Council and the Town of Putnam will be hosting a cleanup of the Putnam Nature Trail on Saturday, April 22nd from 10 am – noon. The trail is located behind the National Guard Armory at 15 Keech Street. The work will involve picking up trash and debris, cutting invasive vines, applying trail signage, widening paths, and planting flowers.
Sturbridge Earth Day Neighborhood Trash Pick Up – The Sturbridge Conservation Commission is encouraging residents to pick up trash bags from the Conservation Office, clean an area over the April 22nd – April 23rd weekend, and let the DPW pick up the trash when you’re done. Neighborhoods, school groups, and volunteer organizations are encouraged to participate.
Brooklyn Clean Up Day – The town-wide cleanup will be held on April 29th from 9 am – noon. Meet at the Community Center, 39 Tiffany Street to get your assignment. Trash bags, gloves, trash pickers, snacks and water will be provided.
Charlton Earth Fest & Cleanup – Pitch in with the town’s annual cleanup on April 29th from 8 am – noon and enjoy the family-friendly festival from 11 am – 2 pm. T-shirts and lunch for litter pickers! Educational vendors, food, live music, demonstrations, pet show, and an opportunity to help identify “Charlton’s Natural Treasures.”
Town Pride Town Wide Community Beautification Project – Eastern CT State University is partnering with Windham organizations and the town for the 10th annual town-wide cleanup on Saturday, April 29th from 9 am – 1 pm, ending with a community gathering at St. Joseph’s Church from 12 – 1 pm.
Thompson Recreation & Middle School Team Clean Up – Each spring, 8th grade students and their teachers pitch in to help with cleanups at Riverside Park and Heritage Way Park. This year they will be out on May 2nd from 11:45 am – 2 pm. Thank them if you see them!
Putnam Beautification Day – The Putnam Business Association will be holding its 9th Annual downtown cleanup on Saturday, May 6th from 8 am – noon. Meet at US Button Parking Lot on Kennedy Drive. Trash bags, gloves, water, snacks and lunch will be provided for all volunteers. Fun trophies awarded for “the most unusual thing found” and more.
Earth Day Webster & Dudley Cleanup – The Webster Arts/Recreation Committee is organizing a cleanup on Saturday, May 6th from 8 am – 1 pm. Meet at the Webster Town Hall for a cleanup assignment. Refreshments will be provided and a free concert will be held at French River Park later in the day.
For more information about these cleanups or about The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor, please visit www.thelastgreenvalley.org. Check out TLGV’s Facebook page, too.
The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley works for you in the National Heritage Corridor. We help you to care for it, enjoy it and pass it on!
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