Join TLGV, Friends of Pachaug for a Winter Solstice Celebration
Winter Solstice Hike and Campfire
2-5 pm, Dec. 21
Pachaug State Forest. CCC Camp area
This hike has a difficulty of easy
Celebrate the change of season with The Last Green Valley and Friends of Pachaug Forest as we hike through the incredible and diverse habitat of Pachaug State Forest before enjoying a bonfire. We’ll begin our 2.4 mile loop hike at the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp area and hike though varied habitats. Hikers will experience a swamp with beautiful cedars and moss understory then transition to uplands and big hardwoods and white pines. We’ll pass Edmonds pond marsh and, if we’re lucky, spot a bald eagle. The hike ends back at the CCC camp area where we can enjoy a campfire and hot cocoa and share our thoughts about the winter solstice. Readings of poetry and prose are welcomed, along with stories of your experiences of the change of season. Bring something to sit on to enjoy the camp fire. We’ll bring the cocoa! If you have questions, email TLGV Chief Ranger Bill Reid at bill@tlgv.org or call 860-774-3300.
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