Historic & Cultural Resources
History is Our Story in The Last Green Valley
Did you know?
The Last Green Valley is home to 268 properties and historic districts that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation. We also have 5 National Historic Landmarks. Learn more about these listings and properties on the National Park Service website. Hundreds more properties are listed on the Connecticut and Massachusetts state registries. Find out more about Connecticut State Register of Historic Places and the Massachusetts Historic Commission with it searchable online database.
America's 250th Anniversary in 2026
As part of our effort to commemorate America’s 250th anniversary, The Last Green Valley and its partners share a commitment to ensuring Americans of all backgrounds see themselves in our shared history. Through our research, education and programming we commit to deeply engaging with the entirety of our past, one that both challenges and inspires us to become a more inclusive and vibrant democracy. To guide regional efforts, TLGV has developed an America's 250th Framework. Help us shape our nation's 250th commemoration by joining the planning efforts. For more information, contact Lois@tlgv.org.
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is pleased to announce a new round of small grants for non-profits and municipalities in preparation for the commemoration in 2026 of the 250th anniversary of our nation’s founding. America 250 provides an exceptional opportunity to strengthen our connections with history as we explore the power of this unique place, one of the nation’s first National Heritage Corridors, and its people through the ages.
TLGV is offering these grant funds to encourage partners to begin work on projects that will:
1. Enhance our collective commemoration of the 250th anniversary of our nation’s founding.
2. Uncover new stories to complement, supplement or enhance existing research of our rich history and heritage.
3. Encourage previously uninvolved participants to join in celebrating our shared history.
4. Foster deeper connections between this place and people of all ages and backgrounds, and facilitate new collaborations among organizations.
5. Set in motion larger projects, programs or events that may have lasting impacts beyond 2026.
Find all the grant details and application requirements here. Applications are due by 4 pm on January 9, 2025. For more information, contact Lois@tlgv.org.
Letters of Support
TLGV may support projects and initiatives that are consistent with our mission and federal legislation, consistent with one or more major goals of our planning documents and annual work plans, and requested by a public agency or nonprofit organization, or a private entity that is seeking funds or technical assistance from a public agency or nonprofit.
Requests for letters of support should be made to the Executive Director, who will decide if a letter of support from The Last Green Valley, Inc. is consistent with this policy. A letter will be prepared by the Executive Director and sent in a timely fashion. Letters of support will be reported to the Board of Directors.
Development Projects
TLGV periodically receives requests for comments on projects that may affect the National Heritage Corridor’s natural, historic, or cultural resources. TLGV may, in its discretion, provide comments to federal or state agencies in certain instances. Click here for the Board's Development Policy.
Route 169 National Scenic Byway - Management Plan Update
Route 169 is a bi-state highway that begins in Norwich, CT, then passes through the towns of Lisbon, Canterbury, Brooklyn, Pomfret, and Woodstock, then into the Massachusetts city of Southbridge and ends in the town of Charlton.
Today, the state and national significance of Route 169 rests primarily in its intimate scenic character and historic features and points of interest. Stone walls, mature trees, colonial village centers, industrial-era mill villages, farmsteads, and consistent patterns of land use over time, allow the traveler to sample the landscape and culture of southern New England.
TLGV participated in the development of an updated management plan that was approved by the Northeastern CT Council of Government's member towns in December 2016. Click here for the NECCOG webpage containing the updated plan and more information about the Route 169 National Scenic Byway.
And More
Learn all about our Notable and Notorious characters - historically interesting people from The Last Green Valley.
It’s a “common!” No, it’s a “green!” Find out why in For the Common Good - A Guide to the Historic and Scenic Town Commons & Greens of The Last Green Valley
Please Support Us!
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
We rely on your membership contributions and donations to carry out our work. Together, we can care for it, enjoy it, and pass it on.