Become a Ranger
If you enjoy meeting people and you love The Last Green Valley, the TLGV Ranger Program is for you!
TLGV Rangers help by:
- Meeting and greeting people at TLGV information booths at regional or local community events, fairs and festivals.
- Delivering or assisting with presentations to local organizations and community groups.
- Hosting programs for TLGV Members and the general community, such as organizing a Spring Outdoors or Walktober hike or a specific TLGV member-only program.
- Assisting on hikes and paddles as needed.
The benefits of becoming a TLGV Ranger include:
- It's fun!
- Greater understanding and connection to The Last Green Valley
- Free training and all necessary outreach materials
- TLGV Ranger shirt
- Mileage reimbursement
- Free admission and parking to many of the fairs/festivals that we attend with our information booth
- Flexible scheduling - volunteer when it is convenient for you
- Easy and satisfying way to give back to the region you love.
In return, TLGV Rangers are expected to:
- Be members of TLGV in good standing.
- Attend an orientation session.
- Feel comfortable talking about the organization’s mission, message and benefits of membership. Prior participation in at least three outreach programs or community events is suggested.
- Commit to at least one community activity annually.
- Work with staff to identify special events for TLGV participation, and community groups interested in scheduling a Ranger program.
- Proudly wear a TLGV Ranger shirt and identification badge when volunteering on behalf of the organization.
- Provide feedback on each outreach activity, and document volunteer hours and mileage.
If you are interested in becoming a TLGV Ranger, start by filling out our volunteer form here.
Please Support Us!
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
We rely on your membership contributions and donations to carry out our work. Together, we can care for it, enjoy it, and pass it on.