Ranger Talks

Free Ranger Programs/Talks for Your Organization

Do you belong to an organization that is looking for an interesting and informative program? Consider a presentation about The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor provided by TLGV Rangers. TLGV currently offers 11 different presentations, most lasting approximately 45 minutes, complimented with free brochures celebrating The Last Green Valley's unique cultural, historic and natural resources.

Healthy Bugs, Healthy Streams

We all love the sights and sounds of a babbling brook, but is it a healthy habitat? Explore how underwater stream insects help to determine water quality, and what you can do to keep those bugs (and the fish that eat them) happy.

Light Pollution 101

Light pollution is the unwanted intrusion of light into our night sky, landscapes, and homes.  Light Pollution 101 reveals how light pollution affects human beings, kills tens of thousands of animals annually, and actually makes us less secure in our neighborhoods.  The Last Green Valley is blessed with minimal light pollution as seen from outer space but light pollution is creeping up the I-395 corridor.  This program focuses on how to improve light fixtures and reduce lighting costs while at the same time providing a more secure and eco-friendly environment for animals, plants, and humans.  This program is appropriate for all ages 6+.

Light Pollution 201

Light Pollution 201 covers the same information as 101 with the addition of more technical aspects and an exercise to design a lighting scheme for a fictitious area.  The attendee is given a landscape arrangement with certain parameters that must be met, and a fixture/cost sheet  with the objective of producing a minimal initial and long term cost (overall cost) while remaining below a maximum light pollution index.  This program is appropriate for ages 14+. (This program runs a bit longer than the others, approximately 2 hours.)

Soaring Over The Last Green Valley: The Return of Bald Eagles

Photo by E. Linkkila

With abundant rivers, lakes and ponds The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor has perfect habitat for bald eagles -- our national symbol. Over the past decade eagles have been returning to the region and nesting along our rivers and lakes. This program tells the history of bald eagles  in the country and describes the unique characteristics of these amazing birds. Information will be provided on TLGV’s role assisting the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to monitor bald eagle nests and statewide midwinter eagle survey.

Scenic Roads in The Last Green Valley

Know the best scenic drives in our area? This program features a photographic tour of the many scenic state roads throughout The Last Green Valley. You’ll hear facts about points of interest along each route and maybe learn some new facts about the roads you drive every day.

A Green Oasis: The Forests of The Last Green Valley

Pomfret Audubon on an August afternoon, photo by S. Harraden

Pomfret Audubon on an August afternoon, photo by S. Harraden

This program explores the forest and woodlands of The Last Green Valley that make up 67% of the land within the National Heritage Corridor. Learn about the most common trees of in the region and efforts to conserve the forests of The Last Green Valley.

On The Wild Side: Exploring the Flora and Fauna of The Last Green Valley

The Last Green Valley is 84% forest and farmland with a multitude of opportunities for exploring the outdoors. Whether hiking, paddling, pedaling, or simply observing wildlife, the region has a rich assortment of venues for enjoying the natural environment. This program provides information about the animals and plants found on the “wilder" side of The Last Green Valley.

Notable and Notorious: Curious and Infamous Characters from The Last Green Valley

For over 300 years, many interesting and important people have lived in this region. From colorful characters, to soldiers, statesmen and spies, to the well-known and not-so-well known entrepreneurs, The Last Green Valley was home to many people who, in their own unique way, shaped the region, state and country.

Connecting the Drops: Source to Sea Through The Last Green Valley

This program provides a “visual paddle” down the rivers, streams, lakes and ponds of The Last Green Valley all the way to Long Island Sound. Explore the water resources of the region and learn how to ensure good water quality for future generations.

Take a Walk in The Last Green Valley

The Last Green Valley has thousands of acres of preserved land open to the public for enjoyment. State parks, state forests, private land trusts, US Army Corps of Engineer properties, and other outdoor recreation sites are available for residents and visitors to the region to enjoy. This program provides information on many locations to enjoy exploring the outdoors in addition to Ranger Bill’s favorite hiking and exploring locations.

The Last Green Valley: It’s Where You Live

The Last Green Valley Aerial by G.L. Sweetnam

Photo by G. L. Sweetnam

Learn about the last sliver of rural landscape along the northeastern seaboard of the United States, so unique that Congress designated the region a National Heritage Corridor. This program provides information about the natural and cultural resources we enjoy in this region and about TLGV, Inc., the non-profit management entity for the corridor.


If you are interested in booking an illustrated power point program to your group or association, please contact Bill Reid, Chief Ranger at 860-774-3300, or bill@tlgv.org.

Please Support Us!

The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

We rely on your membership contributions and donations to carry out our work. Together, we can care for it, enjoy it, and pass it on.

Become a member, make a donation!