The Beeches Recreation Park

The Beeches Loop trail is about 0.87 miles, flat or gently sloping except for 2 sections with slight grade. Wraps around a residential development, a shady walk with pretty views of Little River waterway. Good for cross-county skiing or snowshoeing if there is snow. More family-friendly fun available: basketball court, soccer field, playscape. Car top boat ramp to Little River access with short portage from Senexet Village Road. Caution: Take out, or paddle upstream only. Unmarked dam downstream.

Entrance to trail is near the basketball court on the west side of the soccer field.

See website for all the details.

No fee.


  • Hiking & More
  • Paddling
  • Winter Activities


Senexet Village Rd.
Woodstock, CT 06281


