Plainfield’s Aldrich Free Public Library is one of our Libraries of The Last Green Valley!
Dictionaries describe “library” as a place set apart to contain books, periodicals, collection of manuscripts, publications, films, musical recordings, maps and other material for reading, viewing, listening, study, reference, or enjoyment.
Hmmmm – ok, we agree, libraries do have all that, but they have so much more! The programs our libraries offer are amazingly fun plus educational, and many topics concern the things that make our National Heritage Corridor the special place that it is. These same libraries hand out important TLGV publications, such as this Explore! adventure guide & Walktober brochures! Many offer some sort of Walktober experience each year. Newsletters and facebook pages are another way libraries keep you up to date. Meet your librarians & visit your library often!
- Libraries
299 Main St. (Rte. 14)
Moosup, CT 06354