New Officers, Board Members elected at TLGVs Annual Meeting
The Last Green Valley, Inc.’s (TLGV) membership elected a new slate of officers at the organization’s recent annual meeting. Outgoing board chairperson Myra Ambrogi led the meeting and election of new officers. The following officers were elected for two-year terms.
- Kent Boudreau from Union, CT, was elected chairperson of the board. Kent had served as the board’s Treasurer and chairman of the Finance, Planning & Development Committee.
- Marty Nieski from Woodstock, CT, was elected to a new term as vice chairperson of the board. He also is chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
- Sandra Gibson-Quigley from Sturbridge, MA, was elected treasurer of the board. Sandy is chairperson of our Community Connections Committee.
- Lisa Hayden from Sturbridge, MA, was re-elected as Secretary of the board. She is also chairperson of the Leadership and Advocacy Committee.
The membership elected new board member Christopher Martin from Sturbridge, MA to a three-year term. Chris is a long-time resident of Southbridge and Sturbridge, with a passion for the area and its preservation. He is currently Senior Vice President, Coffee Supply Chain of Keurig Green Mountain and is excited to bring his extensive experience to TLGV.
The membership also re-elected the following board members to new three-year terms.
- Ann-Marie Aubrey from Killingly, CT, is the town’s Director of Planning and Development with years of land use planning and legal experience.
- Sandra Gibson-Quigley from Sturbridge, MA, is a retired educator with expertise in cultural history and extensive experience on municipal boards and committees.
- Wayde Schmidt from Pomfret, CT, is a consultant with a Ph.D. in physical and analytical chemistry and an M.B.A. in Management Technology.
- Courtney Squire from Pomfret, CT, is the owner of Unbound Glory Farm, focusing on regenerative agricultural practices that build healthy soils, increase biodiversity, maximize plant health and sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
- Kent Boudreau from Union, CT, is a retired pilot and community volunteer who loves hiking and living in The Last Green Valley.
- Christopher Hadis from Oxford, MA, is an animal health inspector with the Mass. Dept. of Agriculture.
The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor is the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley, Inc. is a member- supported, non-profit organization working for you in the National Heritage Corridor. Together we can care for, enjoy and pass on The Last Green Valley!
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