Spring’s Early Arrivers Have Made Their Return
Spring may be here, but at this writing many of our avian signs of spring are still to the south waiting for later departures. May is the month when songbirds seem to abound in New England with courtship songs, displays, territorial disputes and nest building.…
Dark Sky in The Last Green Valley – Light Pollution 101
Join TLGV Ranger Geoff McLean from 1 to 3 p.m., March 31 at The Last Green Valley Office Conference Room, 203 B Main Street (2nd Floor) Danielson, CT, as he explains light pollution. Light pollution is the unwanted intrusion of light into our night sky,…
Time to Spring Outdoors
What a winter it has been here in The Last Green Valley. Winter skated into December with deep-freeze temperatures. January brought a whole new mind-boggling meteorological term, “bomb cyclone.” I didn’t hear a bomb or see a cyclone, though we had some snow and high…
Snowshoe Hare Hop Around Northern Parts of the State
Last month, I ventured to my family’s property in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. Located in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire, Fitzwilliam is about 90 minutes from where I live in Putnam. My grandparents bought the property in 1933, my father took it over in…
Get Ready to Spring Outdoors!
The third annual Spring Outdoors event, to be held March 20 to June 21, 2018, is shaping up to be a special time in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. Like Walktober, Spring Outdoors features a variety of adventures from strolls to long distance…
First Woman of Dentistry Practiced in Killingly
Over the past six months I have spent several hours in a dentist’s chair. My teeth have endured three crowns and paradental gum procedures. Luckily, I have dodged the dreaded root canal (so far). While I appreciate receiving much-needed and excellent dental care, getting to…
Spring Outdoors: A Special Vernal Equinox TLGV Hike
Join TLGV from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 20, for a special hike at West Thompson Dam as we celebrate the Vernal Equinox and first day of Spring 2018 at 12:15 p.m. We’ll meet up at the US Army Corps of Engineers parking lot…
The Last Green Valley’s Acorn Adventure: Treasure Hunting on the Trails
TLGV is teaming up with the Girl Scouts of Connecticut on Sunday, March 25, 1-3 p.m., to hold a letterboxing Acorn Adventure at Camp Laurel, 175 Clubhouse Road, Lebanon CT. Do you like to be outside? Do you like to search for treasure? Letterboxing is…
Mansfield Hollow Worth a Visit Any Time of Year
The morning of Feb. 10 was bright and sunny, with temperatures rising into the 30s and heading for the 40s. As I pulled into the parking area at Mansfield Hollow Lake and State Park, I found a dozen or more ice fishermen already set up…