The Fisher of the Forest
The Last Green Valley is still 84 percent forest and farms, undeveloped land with most of our natural habitat in woodlands. Our region is home to an abundance of wildlife and today we’ll examine the fisher, one of our most energetic and unique forest dwellers.…
Acorn Adventure For Families – Winter Ready on Nov. 20
Brrrrrrrr. The leaves are down and the winter is closing in. But we can still enjoy the outdoors – just like our animal friends. Join Chief Ranger Bill Reid and Taylor Shea from Northeast Opportunity for Wellness for a nature adventure all about how we…
OptOutside Natchaug Forest Hike on Nov. 25
Before you rush into the holiday frenzy, enjoy some peace and fresh air with TLGV as part of the national OptOutside effort Friday, November 25th 10:00 AM at Natchaug State Forest, Eastford. Chief Ranger Bill Reid will lead a hike in beautiful Natchaug State Forest…
Exploring November in The Last Green Valley
“Now the hours of daylight are shortening noticeably. Dusk and dark advance minute by minute as these November nights close down. By midafternoon today it is beginning to resemble sundown under a heavily veiled sky,” — Edwin Way Teale from the chapter “Darker Days” in…
Learn What You Can See in the November Night Sky
Ranger Geoff has all you need to know about the night sky in November in his latest video on the TLGV YouTube Channel. It’s a great month to watching our giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Mars is starting to show off too! And there is…
Halloween and Exploring Folktales and Haunting Traditions in The Last Green Valley
Tomorrow is Halloween, a favorite celebration for kids of all ages. Halloween is not just about candy and costumes. Its roots are in the festival of Samhain, a tradition of the Celts of ancient Britain and Ireland. Here is an interesting description of the origins…
Do Woolly Bears Predict Winter Weather?
By all accounts October has been a spectacular year for foliage. At this writing the trees appear to be in peak color, with most of our large sugar maples sporting bright yellow and orange coats with splashes of red. The red maples are shimmering scarlet,…
Invasive Plants – Information and Solutions from the Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group
Plants have long traveled the world with humans, purposefully transported and planted in regions they had never grown before. The early colonists brought plants, fruit trees, grasses and grains to the new world, just as corn (maize), squash and beans grown by the Indigenous peoples…
A Backyard “Pheasant” Surprise
A lonely, male ring-neck pheasant moved onto my property in early May. I say lonely in pure human speculation, but also because he is the only pheasant we have seen and his loud penetrating kok-cack call emanating from our back pasture seems to be asking…