The Last Green Valley News Image

TLGV Seeking Financial Officer

April 3, 2020

The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is seeking a Financial Officer to handle all financial activities for the non-profit organization. The Financial Officer will be responsible for all aspects of accounting, payroll, grants, contract management, audit preparation and human resources, performing a wide variety of…

Exploring and Social Distancing in The Last Green Valley

April 2, 2020

Here in The Last Green Valley and throughout the country, millions of us are living life remotely. Non-essential businesses have been closed in both Connecticut and Massachusetts. Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont’s advice regarding outdoor recreation according to the state website is, “individuals should limit outdoor…

American Woodcock a Harbinger of Spring

March 23, 2020

On a cool evening last week my wife, Julie, and I drove out to Blue Flag Meadow in Hampton. We parked, stepped through the entrance gate at the edge of the large, 10-acre field and walked out to the open expanse. Although the day had…

A fox in the headlights

March 10, 2020

One night long ago I was driving along a dark road in Woodstock when my headlights caught a fox along the side of the road. For a moment it stood frozen in the light, then turned and jumped over a stone wall back into the…

Celebrating Women’s History Month in The Last Green Valley

March 10, 2020

Aug. 18, marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote in the United States. With today marking the first day of Women’s History Month, I’ve been thinking about the important role women have played in…

Important Opportunity Available for Forestland or Woodland Owners

March 10, 2020

Are you a forestland owner looking to improve your woodland habitat for important bird species, and manage your woods for wildlife and people? Connecticut NRCS, in partnership with The Last Green Valley (TLGV), the MassConn Sustainable Forest Partnership (MassConn) and the Northern Rhode Island Conservation…

Update re: 2020 Cleanup Funds

March 4, 2020

March 16, 2020 Update: If your TLGV-funded spring cleanup has been postponed or cancelled, please let us know. We will automatically extend use of TLGV funds until September 30, 2020. If the cleanup is held close to September 30, we ask that you send us…

The First Signs of Spring

March 3, 2020

I have been thinking about the approach of spring. The Vernal Equinox is just days away (March 19), but winter has hardly been what we usually associate with the cold months of the year. Woe to the ice fisherman this winter with very little ice…

Representatives introduce legislation to reauthorize The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor

March 3, 2020

From Representative Courtney’s Office:   Today, Representatives Joe Courtney (CT-02), Jahana Hayes (CT-05), and Richard Neal (MA-01) introduced legislation to save the Last Green Valley Heritage Corridor and the Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area through a 15-year reauthorization. Without this critical reauthorization, these two…