CANCELLED- TLGV Ranger Marcy’s Acorn Adventure – Choo-Choo-Choose the Brimfield Trolley Trail
Update for our Sunday 2/19 Acorn Adventure. Cancelled due to a snow-filled parking lot. So – make sure you go out and do something! Ranger Marcy B. Putnamaniac Dawley will be waiting for your reports! Lots of eagles have been flying lately, so some ideas…
Exploring The Last Green Valley: ‘Wandering Through Winter’ with Teale
Exploring The Last Green Valley: ‘Wandering Through Winter’ with Teale Winter seems like the perfect time to re-tell the story of one of The Last Green Valley’s most gifted writers. If you enjoy natural history, travel, the fascinating turn of the seasons and the lyrical…
The Last Green Valley is Seeking Spring Outdoors Walk Leaders!
The Last Green Valley is Seeking Spring Outdoors Walk Leaders! The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is coordinating its second annual Spring Outdoors and is looking for walk and event leaders. Spring Outdoors launched in 2016 and was a great success. In 2017, Spring Outdoors…
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Wood duck conservation at work in Sprague, Connecticut
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Wood duck conservation at work in Sprague, Connecticut From time to time, readers of this column will send me emails remarking about a recent column or providing me with information about our region’s natural and cultural resources. One reader that…
Exploring The Last Green Valley: How to catch a snowflake
Silently, like thoughts that come and go, the snowflakes fall, each one a gem.” – William Hamilton Gibson Wintertime tends to bring out the kid in me, or rather brings back so many snowy winter memories from long ago that remind me of when I…
Become a TLGV Board Member
TLGV is looking for passionate members to serve on its Board of Directors. The TLGV Nominating Committee is searching for members with a wide variety of skills, talents, and geographic representation. Board terms are usually for 3 years, and begin upon election at the Annual…
NEWS FLASH – TLGV and Partners Bring $6.1 Million to the Region for Forest Conservation!
TLGV is proud to announce that it has successfully partnered with 19 organizations to bring $6.1 million in new federal dollars to the region for healthy woods and forest land conservation. Most of the funds will go directly to landowners for bird/wildlife habitat assessments and…
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Ranger Bill shares bucket list for 2017
There is so much to see and do here in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. In my job, I get to explore many of the natural and cultural wonders of our region, and every year I try to visit and experience each of…
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Ranger Bill shares 2016 highlights
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Ranger Bill shares 2016 highlights Here we are, on the cusp of a new year.Before we welcome 2017, let me share with you a few fun places that I visited during the four seasons of 2016. Perhaps it will provide…