Bears in the Backyard
“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” Winnie the Pooh I’ll never forget my first encounter with a black bear in the wild. It was 1972 and along with…
TLGV Grants Available to Help Plan for America’s 250th Anniversary in 2026
As part of our effort to commemorate America’s 250th anniversary, The Last Green Valley and its partners share a commitment to ensuring Americans of all backgrounds see themselves in our shared history. Through our research, education and programming we commit to deeply engaging with the…
Become A Citizen Scientist and Help Protect the Waters of The Last Green Valley
Join TLGV Rangers Emma, Cassidy and Jean to learn about the Stream Riffle Bioassessment by Volunteer (RBV) Program and how you can play a vital role in the water quality of The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. RBV sampling is a citizen science program…
Planning for America’s 250th Anniversary in 2026
Need time to work on a program grant in preparation for America’s 250th? We’ve got you covered! Join staff and volunteers from the Prudence Crandall Museum, CT Humanities, America 250|CT, Finnish American Heritage Society and The Last Green Valley for a two-part program on October…
Get Your Walktober Shirts!
The 2024 Walktober shirts celebrate the array of creatures enjoying autumn and Walktober here in The Last Green Valley. The front of the shirt features a small Walktober 2024 logo on the upper left. The back of the shirt has a patch design featuring the…
Walktober is Here!
There are more than 250 Walktober programs for you to explore the Heritage Corridor! With the help of more than 130 partner organizations and countless volunteers, this Walktober has an amazing lineup of hikes, bikes and paddles for you. There are more than 60 Walktobers…
The Mournful Call of the Eastern Screech-Owl
The sound was unmistakable and led me outdoors to face the thick woods across the road. In the advancing twilight the sound pierced the darkness again, and then again. The ghostly mournful wail, best described as a lonely whinny with “tremulous” descending pitch, could only…
Turtles in August
“I imagine the turtles are developing quickly this hot summer. The embryos in the earlier eggs of the season must have reached the point at which they begin involuntary movements. With the first exercise and the increased metabolism it brings, they are preparing for the…
Celebrating Nature’s Living Fireworks
“Fireflies create a magic that transcends time and space. Their resplendent displays change ordinary landscapes into places ethereal and otherworldly.” From Silent Sparks: The Wonderous World of Fireflies by Sara Lewis. Folks in our neck of the woods enjoy the 4th of July with their…