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DATE CHANGE – Historical Happenings – Telling Your Story, Part I Moves to Feb. 26

January 24, 2020

We have had to reschedule the Historical Happenings program. Please see the details below. Join The Last Green Valley’s Assistant Director Francesca Kefalas in part one of a two part series aimed to help historical organizations, and any non-profit looking for some help, spread the…

Time to plan a pollinator garden

January 24, 2020

One of the joys of winter is when the seed and plant catalogues arrive in the mail. Warm memories of spring and summer jump from the glossy pictures of plump vegetables and colorful flowers. The catalogues are a brief respite from the dreary winter shades…

Join the TLGV Team – Board Members Wanted

January 20, 2020

TLGV is looking for passionate members to serve on its Board of Directors. The TLGV Nominating Committee is searching for members with a variety of skills, talents and geographic representation. Board terms are for 3 years, and begin upon election at the Annual Meeting in…

Childhood Memories Renew My Desire to Get Youth Outside

January 20, 2020

I have a tense relationship with social media. At times I find it useful and at others it is anything but. Earlier this week, however, it offered me an opportunity for nostalgia. Someone created a Facebook page for the town I grew up in and…

Bill Hull: A conservation leader in The Last Green Valley

January 8, 2020

Saturday is the birthday of renown conservationist Aldo Leopold. He was a scientist, ecologist, forester, author and environmentalist and is best known for his book “A Sand County Almanac.” In his chapter “The Land Ethic,” Leopold wrote “the land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of…

Acorn Adventure – Bald Eagles and Big Nests – Jan. 25

January 4, 2020

Children and their families are invited to join The Last Green Valley’s Chief Ranger Bill Reid 10 a.m., Jan. 25 at Roseland Park, 205 Roseland Park Rd, Woodstock, CT,  to experience just how long a bald eagle’s wings are, how huge their eyes are and…

Sorry! Registration is full for the Bald Eagle Hike – Jan. 18

January 3, 2020

Registration is closed for this ramble with Chief Ranger Bill Reid Jan. 18 at 10 a.m. around the Quinebaug Trout Hatchery, 141 Trout Hatchery Road, Central Village, CT.  This property is one of the best places to see a bald eagle in the wild, and…

A 2020 Bucket List of Places to Visit in The Last Green Valley

December 30, 2019

With the New Year approaching it’s goodbye 2019 and hello 2020. What will the New Year bring for you and your family here in The Last Green Valley? As I contemplate the year ahead, I like to think about the places I have not visited…

Smaller rivers within the Natchaug River watershed are a focus for healthy waters

December 30, 2019

Here at The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) we value our role documenting and advocating for the region’s rivers. Water from the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers, and the smaller rivers, streams and brooks that feed them, flow southward into the Thames River and Long Island…