FINISH OFF STRONG DURING WALKTOBER’S FINALE THIS WEEK! The Last Green Valley, Inc.’s (TLGV) volunteer Walktober leaders and teams have over 20 exciting choices for you during this final week of the program. Attend as many as you can and finish Walktober in style! The…
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Autumn olive is silvery invader of field, pasture
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Autumn olive is silvery invader of field, pasture Today, my focus turns to yet another invasive plant and one of the 10 most wanted in terms of problem plants in our region. Our six acres of land in Putnam is…
PLENTY OF CHOICES STILL ON TAP FOR WALKTOBER! As the 26th annual Walktober winds down, The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) wants to remind you that there are still more than 40 choices this week, with more places to explore and lots more to experience.…
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Get out and enjoy apple season
Exploring The Last Green Valley: Get out and enjoy apple season “It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.” — Henry David Thoreau, “Wild Fruits: Thoreau’s Rediscovered Last Manuscript” There is something about biting into a…
The Last Green Valley Announces “Best of Tastes of the Valley” Winners
The Last Green Valley Announces “Best of Tastes of the Valley” Winners The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) held its 11th Annual Tastes of the Valley feast and fundraiser on Sunday, September 18, at The Mansion at Bald Hill in Woodstock, CT. The event celebrates…
WALKTOBER IS STILL GOING STRONG! Walktober is still going strong with another week full of choices to whet your appetite for fun and activity in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. If you have enjoyed the annual program offered by The Last Green Valley,…
The Last Green Valley Awards Grants
The Last Green Valley Awards Grants The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is pleased to announce that it has awarded small grants to five organizations for the marketing and interpretation of historic and cultural resources in the National Heritage Corridor. The grant program encourages projects…
Exploring The Last Green Valley – Walktober highlights include W. Thompson Lake, eccentric local
Walktober highlights include W. Thompson Lake, eccentric local What do Nathan Hale Homestead, French River, JN Webster Scout Camp, Uncas Leap, Leffingwell Museum, Shetucket River, Roseland Cottage, Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm, West Thompson Lake, Nipmuck Trail Pixie Falls and Mount Misery all have in common?…
Pursue More Adventure as Walktober Continues!
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) encourages you to pursue even more adventure during the 26th annual Walktober, now in mid-stride with close to 70 offerings in the National Heritage Corridor this week. With more free time available for many due to the Columbus Day…