Installing a Bat House in Your Yard
This week I begin my spring and summer volunteer work for the CT DEEP Wildlife Division to help monitor bats. This will be the fourth year I’m doing this work, and I have written about this important volunteer activity in past columns. Twice a month,…
Eastern White Oak: Connecticut State Tree and So Much More
“If the oak is the king of trees, as tradition has it, then the Eastern White Oak, throughout its range, is the king of kings.” — Donald Culross Peattie from “A Natural History of North American Trees” The last several years have been hard on…
Our Shared Heritage: The Lebanon Historical Society
“History, I like to think, is a larger way of looking at life. It is a source of strength, of inspiration. It is about who we are and what we stand for and is essential to our understanding of what our own role should be…
Finding Beauty in April
“All of nature is a going concern. The business of spring is a prospering. I stand for a long time beside the swamp stream in a fairyland setting of low-lying mist glowing and tinted with the pink of the sunrise. Here is beauty, here is…
Hike Hopeville with TLGV
Get unplugged and explore Griswold with us! Hopeville Pond Nehantic Trail Loop Hike April 24, 10 am Hopeville Pond State Park, Griswold, CT Join Chief Ranger Bill Reid for a fun 2-mile loop hike from Hopeville Pond State Park to the Blue Blazed Nehantic Trail…
An April Adventure for the Whole Family
Grab the family and Spring Outdoors with us this weekend! Acorn Adventure: Letterboxing 101 April 10, 1 pm Camp Laurel, Lebanon, CT Do you like to search for treasure? Letterboxing is a family-friendly hobby that gets you outside to follow the clues and find the…
Spring Outdoors in Scenic Scotland
Enjoy an early morning hike in scenic Scotland. Little River Loop Hike April 17, 9 am Rain date: 5/1, 9 am Pudding Hill Road, Scotland, CT Join us on a peaceful hike down and back to the Little River, with a trip to a pristine…
Board Members Needed
The Last Green Valley, Inc. is seeking board members who love living or working in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. If you believe the region is extraordinary for its combination of open spaces, working farms, history and culture and want to learn more,…
New Round of Funding Available for Massachusetts Landowners to Conserve Woodlands in the Southern New England Heritage Forest
The Last Green Valley, Inc. and the MassConn Sustainable Forest Partnership/Opacum Land Trust are pleased to announce a new application round for Massachusetts landowners in the Southern New England Heritage Forest (SNEHF) to conserve their woodlands. This program is part of an unprecedented three-state effort…