Walktober is Here!
There are more than 250 Walktober programs for you to explore the Heritage Corridor! With the help of more than 130 partner organizations and countless volunteers, this Walktober has an amazing lineup of hikes, bikes and paddles for you. There are more than 60 Walktobers…
The Mournful Call of the Eastern Screech-Owl
The sound was unmistakable and led me outdoors to face the thick woods across the road. In the advancing twilight the sound pierced the darkness again, and then again. The ghostly mournful wail, best described as a lonely whinny with “tremulous” descending pitch, could only…
Turtles in August
“I imagine the turtles are developing quickly this hot summer. The embryos in the earlier eggs of the season must have reached the point at which they begin involuntary movements. With the first exercise and the increased metabolism it brings, they are preparing for the…
Celebrating Nature’s Living Fireworks
“Fireflies create a magic that transcends time and space. Their resplendent displays change ordinary landscapes into places ethereal and otherworldly.” From Silent Sparks: The Wonderous World of Fireflies by Sara Lewis. Folks in our neck of the woods enjoy the 4th of July with their…
Tastes of the Valley Tickets On Sale Now!
Tastes of the Valley will be held Sunday, Aug. 25 at the Publick House in Sturbridge, MA. Tickets are now available. Sponsorships are also available for this five-course, one-of-a-kind sit down meal made by some of the region’s best chefs with farm fresh ingredients. Contact…
Night Flyers – Bats!
Join TLGV for Night Flyers — Bats! on July 20 at the Lyon Preserve, Pomfret, CT. The Acorn Adventure for families begins at 6:30 pm and the TLGV Adventure for adults begins at 7 pm. Bats are one of the most amazing, yet misunderstood creatures…
Exploring June in The Last Green Valley
“What finer time of year could one ask for in which to be born than on a day in June? Here on this old farm, which seems the perfect setting for two so interested in the out-of-doors as Nellie and I, another birthday finds me…
Join Us For An Acorn Adventure To See The Sun & Moon Up Close
Everyone always tells you don’t look directly at the sun, but today you can. TLGV’s Night Sky Rangers Geoff and Kim will bring their properly equipped telescopes to Blue Slope Country Museum, 138 Blue Hills Road, Franklin, CT, to help us see the sun up…
Join Us for a Paddle on Buffumville Lake
Join a U.S. Army Corps Ranger and LyAnn Graff, TLGV’s Office Coordinator at 10 am June 8 for a leisurely paddle around Buffumville Lake, 229B Oxford Rd., Charlton, MA. This paddle is easy to moderate depending on the wind conditions. Both sections of the lake…