Walktober # 30 Time Change for Sept. 27
UPDATE – Walktober #30 Southbridge 100 Years Ago: The correct start time for this walk is 6:30 p.m. at Jacob Edwards Library, Southbridge, MA. Dr. Elizabeth Blood, of Salem State University, offers a glimpse of what life was like for French-Canadians in Southbridge one hundred years…
CANCELLED – Walktober #40 Geocaching 101
Please note the Acorn Adventure has been changed. The Sunday, Sept. 23 Geocaching Acorn Adventure, Walktober #40, has been cancelled. The NEW Acorn Adventure is walk #23 on Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. at Nathan Hale Forest in Coventry (across from the Coventry Farmer’s Market).
More to explore as season starts to change
September is here. Summer is slowly ripening into autumn and the bounty of the harvest is ready for picking. The seasonal cycle whispers in our ears the softer yet persistent sounds of nature. The singing birds are quiet now, their chorus replaced by the staccato…
TLGV active in keeping rivers clean, region green
Finding discarded litter along roadsides, walking trails, in rivers and streams is a major pet peeve of mine. For the life of me, I just can’t understand what could possibly being going through someone’s mind as he or she tosses food wrappings, coffee cups, cigarette…
American eel’s journey is an amazing one
“As long as the tide ebbed, eels were leaving the marshes and running out to sea. Thousands passed the lighthouse that night, on the first lap of a far sea journey. And as they passed through the surf and out to sea, so also they…
Your Voice, Your Vision – Help Us Shape the Future of The Last Green Valley
The Last Green Valley, Inc. needs your help to shape the future of the national heritage corridor. TLGV is launching an 18-month effort to bring together community members to share their visions and use their voices to help us create a long-range plan for the…
Historical Happenings – Sept. 12
Join TLGV and The Black Tavern Historical Society as we tour the historic Black Tavern (138 Center Road, Dudley, MA) on September 12 from 6-8 pm, and discuss the maintenance and upkeep of a historic property. Please RSVP to Chief Ranger Bill Reid if you…
Become a Water Quality Monitoring Volunteer – Training Sessions Sept. 14 or 15
Jean Pillo, TLGV’s Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Coordinator, will be leading two training sessions for volunteers interested in learning about the “Riffle Bioassessment for Volunteers (RBV)” program. You only need to attend one session: Friday, September 14, 2018, 9 AM – noon, Norwich USDA Service…
TLGV Member-Only Hike – Sept. 22
TLGV Members and their guests are invited to join Chief Ranger Bill Reid on the cusp of the Autumnal Equinox for a special hike to the Wolf Den at Mashamoquet Brook State Park on September 22 from 10-noon at Mashamoquet Brook State Park in Pomfret. The…