TLGV Acorn Adventure – Eagle Eyes on Jan. 26
Join TLGV on a bald eagle Acorn Adventure 10 – 11:30 a.m. Jan. 26 at Roseland Park, 205 Roseland Park Road, Woodstock, CT.
Children and their families are invited to join The Last Green Valley’s Chief Ranger Bill Reid and Horizon’s Wings Mary Beth Kaeser and Atka, an amazing bald eagle. Acorns and their adults will experience just how big a bald eagle’s wings are, how huge their eyes are compared to the size of their heads and other fun facts about bald eagles.
The group will also search for bald eagles at this popular spot for these incredible birds of prey. Bring binoculars or a spotting scope, if you have them, to get the best view of the wild eagles. Enthusiasm and a desire to learn about these beautiful birds are essential!
Acorn Adventures are free to families thanks to the generous sponsorship of Putnam Bank. Donations for Horizons Wings will be accepted.
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