Board of Directors

Summer Glory, Photo by Kaylyn Pusczynski

Summer Glory, Photo by Kaylyn Pusczynski

TLGV is always looking for passionate members to serve on its Board of Directors. The TLGV Nominating Committee is searching for members with a variety of skills, talents and geographic representation.

Board terms are for 3 years, and begin upon election at the Annual Meeting in June. The Board is actively involved in supporting TLGV programs and projects and adheres to the Board Member Expectation Policy.

If interested, please submit a brief statement of interest and a resume to the TLGV office. Contact TLGV Executive Director Lois Bruinooge at 774-3300 or for more information.

Officers and Directors: 2024 - 2025


Kent Boudreau, Union, Chairman
Sandra Gibson-Quigley, Sturbridge, Vice-Chairman
Lisa Hayden, Sturbridge, Secretary
Christopher Martin, Sturbridge, Treasurer


Kwasi Acheampong, Brimfield
Ann-Marie Aubrey, Killingly
Beth Bernard, representing the Governor of Connecticut
Heather Brunelle, Lebanon
Rick Canavan, Pomfret
Martin Fey, Putnam
Rev. Dr. Susan Foster, Woodstock
Jimi Gothreau, Putnam
Christopher Hadis, Oxford
Tom Harrington, Mansfield
Bill Jobbagy, Coventry
Aaron Marcavitch, Suffield
Representative Joseph McKenna, representing the Governor of Massachusetts
Regan Miner, Norwich
Laura Moorehead, Putnam
Wayde Schmidt, Pomfret
Courtney Squire, Pomfret

2025 Board of Directors Meeting Dates

Board meetings are open to the public. They are held in a hybrid format (remote and in-person options). If you wish to attend, please at least one day prior to the meeting to obtain the meeting link.

February 20, 8:30 am
April 17, 8:30 am
June 26, 5 pm
August 14, 8:30 am
September 18, 8:30 am
November 1, 10 am
December 11, 5 pm

Please Support Us!

The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

We rely on your membership contributions and donations to carry out our work. Together, we can care for it, enjoy it, and pass it on.

Become a member, make a donation!