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White Birches Offer Many Uses

January 29, 2018

″…I’d like to go by climbing a birch tree, And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more, But dipped its top and set me down again. That would be good both going and coming back. One…

Christmas Bird Count an Educational Experience

January 24, 2018

What do 1,185 birds of 43 different species all have in common? They were all counted in one small slice of The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor as part of the annual Christmas Bird Count. I participated in the count for the first time…

Survey Proves Eagles Love The Last Green Valley

January 17, 2018

For the eighth year The Last Green Valley assisted the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection in its Midwinter Eagle Survey. The Last Green Valley’s Chief Ranger, Bill Reid, organizes the group of volunteers in the 26 Connecticut towns of the National Heritage Corridor.…

Difficult to Catch a Glimpse of the Shy River Otter

January 16, 2018

It was a freezing cold January morning in 1979. My job at Old Sturbridge Village that morning involved feeding and watering a dozen sheep, two cows, one calf and General Lee (a horse). Maggie, the cow, had been milked and was happily munching the last…

It Was 300 Years Ago When a State Hero Was Born

January 16, 2018

“Passenger, if thou art a soldier, drop a tear over the dust of a Hero, who ever attentive to the lives and happiness of his men dared to lead where any dared to follow.” – inscribed on Israel Putnam’s tomb in Brooklyn On this day…

The Last Green Valley Hosts January Acorn Adventure

January 3, 2018

Children and their families are invited to join The Last Green Valley’s Chief Ranger Bill Reid and Ranger J.P. Babineau at Roseland Park, Jan. 20 from 1-2:30 p.m. for Eagle Eyes. Ranger Bill and Ranger J.P. will share fun facts about bald eagles, and participants…

12 Things To Do in 2018 in The Last Green Valley

January 2, 2018

Monday is New Year’s Day and each of us will welcome 2018 in our own way. I was never one for making resolutions. As the year winds down, instead of making future resolutions, I’ll look back over the previous year to remember the things and…

RBV monitoring

Make a Resolution to Care For, Enjoy and Pass On The Last Green Valley

January 2, 2018

There may be only one resolution anyone needs to improve their mental and physical health: volunteering with The Last Green Valley! According to the Harvard Health Blog, evidence for the positive effects of volunteering on mental health is abundant, but a growing number of studies…

Creating New Tradition with Christmas Bird Count

January 2, 2018

Do you have a holiday season tradition that you have maintained for many years? For some, a tradition might be antique Christmas tree ornaments passed down through the generations, or grandfather’s amazing eggnog recipe (which you can share with me, if you have one). For…