5/11 Volunteer Lake Monitoring Training Workshop

RBV monitoring

5/11 Volunteer Lake Monitoring Training Workshop

Volunteer Lake Monitoring
Training Workshop
May 11, 2023
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Roseland Park
205 Roseland Park Road, Woodstock, CT

Are you interested in learning how to collect water quality  samples on your lake or pond?  Do you want to contribute data toward statewide efforts to monitor and assess water quality and cyanobacteria blooms? Are you a member of a lake association or watershed group? If so, this workshop is for you!

During, the workshop, volunteers will be trained how to collect and contribute data to CT Lake Watch and BloomWatch.  Participants will also learn how their data will be used by CT DEEP for monitoring and assessment purposes.  There is no cost to attend.  Participants should bring their own lunch. If you want to practice monitoring techniques on the water, you need to bring your own boat and safety equipment.

Registration required; deadline to register is May 5th.

To register email: DEEP.CTLakeWatch@ct.gov

Training presented by the US EPA Region 1, CT DEEP and The Last Green Valley Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program.



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