Bears in the Backyard

Bears in the Backyard

“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.Winnie the Pooh

I’ll never forget my first encounter with a black bear in the wild. It was 1972 and along with two friends, I had spent spring vacation hiking and camping in Shenandoah National Park and the Blue Ridge Mountains. One night a black bear visited our campsite, brushed up against the tent the three of us shared, and tried in vain to get the food bag we had hung far out on a tree branch. The bear didn’t stay very long, but it was a sleepless night to remember nonetheless.

I was reminded of my Shenandoah encounter with Usus americanus when I received an e-mail from a friend in East Putnam. Black bears have been seen in his neck of the woods, and I am not surprised. Here in The Last Green Valley, it seems we hear of black bear sightings almost daily.

Since we know bears live among us, I thought it might be good to review some facts about bears, their habits, and a few suggestions for what to do if you encounter a bear.

By the 1850s, at the height of the agriculture period in New England, our region was 80% cleared land with forests down for farming. Black bear rely on woodlands for food and shelter and by the mid-1800s were all but extirpated from the region due to hunting and habitat loss.

Over the past 100 plus years, our woodlands have grown back and today The Last Green Valley is 84% forests and fields – perfect habitat for forest dwelling bears as well as other returning wildlife such as fisher, moose, and bobcat.

The best source in Connecticut for information about wildlife is our CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Here is some information from CT DEEP’s fact sheet on black bears.

  • The black bear is the smallest North American bear. In Connecticut, adult males, or boars, normally weigh from 150 to 450 pounds, while females, or sows, weigh from 110 to 250 pounds. Yearlings weigh 45 to 100 pounds. Adults are 5 to 6 feet long.
  • The black bear’s coat is typically glossy black or brownish black, except for the muzzle, which is tan.
  • Black bears have 5 toes with large claws on all feet. Bear tracks somewhat resemble human tracks, but the front feet are shorter than the rear.
  • Bears are omnivorous; they eat grasses, fruits, nuts, and berries. They also will seek insects (particularly ants and bees), scavenge carrion, and raid bird feeders and garbage cans. Bears occasionally will prey on small mammals, deer fawns, and livestock.
  • Breeding occurs during summer, usually in late June or early July. During this time, males travel extensively in search of females.
  • Young are born in the den during January or February and are blind, toothless, and covered with fine hair. Cubs weigh 6 to 12 ounces at birth. Litter sizes range from 1 to 4 cubs, with litters of 2 or 3 being most common. After giving birth, the sow usually continues her winter rest while the cubs are awake and nursing. Only females rear the young.
  • Cubs are weaned when they are about 7 months old and will remain with the female until the second summer of their lives. Then, the young bears, especially the males, may travel great distances in search of their own territories. Yearling females frequently settle near their mother’s home range.

If you encounter a bear, it is important to remember to stay calm and not to run. Slowly walk away while facing the bear and make noise so the bear knows you’re there. In most cases, bears will leave once they have sensed a human in the area.

Black bears will sometimes paw the ground and make a bluffing charge. If this happens, stand your ground and shout at the bear. Do not climb a tree. They are much better tree climbers than you are.

Bears have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. They are attracted to food smells and this is what usually brings them into contact with humans. Certainly my experience with a bear was a result of it being attracted to food smells at our campsite.

If you want to keep bears from your backyard, then you’ll just have to take down the bird feeder during the warmer months, especially from late March till December. Seed-eating birds are capable of foraging for food during the warmer months but will enjoy your feeder during the winter months when their food supply is diminished.

Bears will also be attracted to pet food that is left outside as well as livestock food such as grain that is not kept in a shed or barn and in airtight containers. They will also knock over grills to get after any food remains and grease so make sure to clean grills thoroughly after each use.

If you use a compost pile, try to avoid putting fruits or meats into it since the smell will attract bears. A good dose of lime on the pile is not only helpful for the compost but it will also mask the smell of any fruit or other food left in the compost.

It is also not wise to put trash out the night before pick up day, but to put it out in the morning. A good way to ruin a perfectly fine morning is to find your trash strewn all over the road and driveway.

The CT DEEP Wildlife Division does monitor bears so if you see or encounter a bear it is important to give them a call so they’ll know where it is. They have an on-line reporting website at:

We live in a beautiful region and so do black bears. There is no getting around the fact that large animals such as bears reside in our region. They are here to stay and should be appreciated for the amazing animal they are.

Feel free to share with me your experiences in The Last Green Valley. Have you ever encountered Ursus americanus?

Bill Reid is the Chief Ranger of The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor and has lived in the region for more than 30 years. He can be reached at



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