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Thompson Together Roadside, Cemetery and River Cleanup

Thompson Throughout Thompson, Thompson

Thompson Together, Inc. is once again planning for its April Roadside and French River Clean-up, which covers all of Thompson’s 125 miles of paved and dirt roadways and a different…


High Fitness

Jacob Edwards Library 236 Main Street, Southbridge

The combination of aerobic and anaerobic training, complemented by active recovery tracks, makes this class an extremely effective and efficient form of training. Alternating bouts of high-intensity movement with moderate/active…


A Tale of Two Digs: Recent Archaeology at the Prudence Crandall Museum

Otis Library 261 Main St., Norwich

While the museum was undergoing restoration (2020-2022), two archaeology teams led digs at different locations on the site grounds. Join Sarah Sportman, Connecticut State Archaeologist, to discover the artifacts unearthed,…