The Winter Solstice Starry Sky – A Family-Friendly Program
Join The Last Green Valley on the Solstice as we welcome in the winter months with a celebration of our Starry Sky. Meet at 6 p.m., Dec. 21, West Thompson Dam, Overlook Shelter, 162 W. Thompson Rd, North Grosvenordale, CT. Lead Night Sky Rangers Kim…
Our forests are a precious resource
The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor is made up of 77% forested land. Connecticut and Massachusetts are some of the most forested states in the county, and in our region we are blessed with large blocks of state forests such as the Pachaug, Nipmuck…
Time to pay tribute to that ‘other bird’
Last week I reported on bald eagles returning to our region in ever increasing numbers. It got me thinking about that other bird so revered here in the United States – the wild turkey. The bald eagle and the wild turkey could not be more…
Bald eagles making a home in the corridor
I’ll never forget the first time I saw a bald eagle in The Last Green Valley. It was during the 2008 Walking Weekends (now called Walktober), and I was paddling at Mansfield Hollow Lake with a group of people led by Betty Robinson. It was…
Member Program – General Nathanial Lyon “History Hike” on the Natchaug Trail Nov. 23
Join Chief Ranger Bill Reid 9 am. to noon, Nov. 23 in Eastford, CT. for a walk on the Natchaug Trail to enjoy a beautiful section of the trail and learn about Civil War Veteran General Nathaniel Lyon. We’ll start at the Nathaniel Lyon Memorial…
Taste autumn at local orchards
We’re lucky to live in New England where the seasons announce themselves in ways that tantalize all the senses and remind us how special this place is. Last month, the colors of our forested hillsides bedazzled our eyes and as October creeped toward November the…
Join TLGV for a First-Ever Citizen’s Science Effort to Protect Starry Skies
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is launching a new citizen science effort to protect the starry skies of the National Heritage Corridor. The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor was designated in 1994, in part because it was the last large corridor between Boston…
Acorn Adventure – Winter Wildlife Nov. 16!
Join The Last Green Valley and Goodwin Forest Naturalist Lena 10 a.m. Nov. 16 at Goodwin State Forest, 23 Potter Road, Hampton, CT. to explore the active winter forest! Some species in the Goodwin Forest woods hibernate but others thrive in the snow and freezing…
Daylight savings time is the true winter predictor
Did you remember to set your clocks back Saturday night for this morning and the end of 2019′s daylight savings time? I stick to the old adage fall back and spring forward to remember how to set the clock for the biannual time change. For…