Mystery Member Meanders in The Last Green Valley! March…somewhere in Thompson, CT!
Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it will assist in connecting you with our National Heritage Corridor’s 35 unique towns. Attend TLGV’s Mystery Member Meanders and activate the modern day, inner explorer hidden within you. These monthly “show & go” walks/hikes/strolls are intended to…
TLGV Ranger Marcy’s Acorn Adventure! Trail Hike and Alpaca Meet & Greet!
Join us for Ranger Marcy’s Acorn Adventure, a Trail Hike and Alpaca Meet & Greet, on Sunday, March 20th, 2016 from 1-2:30 pm at Morning Beckons Farm, 343A Sand Dam Rd., Thompson, CT. Did you know that we have the biggest Alpaca Farm in New…
Cleanup Funds Available
TLGV is once again looking for people who care about this beautiful place we call home. TLGV will provide funds to nonprofit organizations and municipal, regional, state or federal agencies that sponsor a 2016 town-wide, park, or river cleanup in the region. Last year, 1,714…
Volunteers Needed to Monitor The Last Green Valley’s Waters!
TLGV needs you! With hundreds of miles of rivers and streams, including close to 65 miles of National Recreation Water trails for paddling, our waters are a priceless asset for all to enjoy. Volunteers are needed this spring and summer for an expanded water quality…
TLGV February Member Program – Tour and Program at the Tourtellotte Museum
Join us as we enjoy a fascinating program and tour of the Tourtellotte Museum located at the Tourtellotte Memorial High School, thanks to the The Thompson Historical Society. A compelling story and well told by our hosts… Learn about Dr. Jacob Francis and Harriett Arnold…
TLGV Ranger Marcy’s Acorn Adventure! Hike the Winter Air Line Trail!
Join us for February’s Acorn Adventure, Sunday, February 21st, from 1-2:30pm, on the Air Line Trail in Hampton. starting at the Goodwin Conservation Center, Potter Rd., Hampton (just off Rte. 6) Look at things from a winter point of view in The Last Green Valley! A…
Mystery Member Meanders in The Last Green Valley! February…somewhere in Sterling, CT!
Do you love a great mystery? Explore and connect with our National Heritage Corridor’s 35 unique towns. Attend TLGV’s Mystery Member Meanders and activate the modern day, inner explorer hidden within you. These monthly “show & go” walks/hikes/strolls are intended to simply introduce you to…
Spring Outdoors! A New Program is Coming to The Last Green Valley!
Walktober was a tremendous success this past fall, with more than 200 opportunities for people to enjoy all of our wonderful resources. Land trusts and conservation commissions hosted many walks and were able to highlight their conservation and stewardship efforts. Some land trusts were able…
Bald Eagles Love The Last Green Valley
Fifty wide-eyed volunteers looked skyward during the early-morning hours of January 9th to record bald eagle sightings in The Last Green Valley as part of the Midwinter Eagle Survey. The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) has organized teams of volunteers for seven years, and this…