Explore the Shetucket River National Recreation Water Trail
You are invited to join The Last Green Valley for two fun events:
First, paddle the Shetucket River National Recreation Water Trail with Bill and Lois on Sunday, June 4, from 1 – 4 pm. This is a CT Trails Day event. We will paddle from Sprague to the Taftville section of Norwich, a nice 4-mile, mostly flat water trip. There is a relatively easy portage at the Occum Dam in the Occum section of Norwich. Participants must have paddle experience, their own canoe or kayak and a PFD (life preserver) must be worn at all times. Rain cancels. Meet at Sprague River Park Canoe and Kayak Launch at 24-78 North Main Street (Route 97), Baltic, CT. PRE-REGISTRATION is REQUIRED to Bill@tlgv.org or call 860-774-3300.
Then, join us on Monday, June 5 at 11 am for a Celebration of the Shetucket River National Recreation Water Trail Designation. We will host a ribbon cutting at the canoe and kayak launch at Red McKeon Park, followed by remarks from TLGV staff, government and community leaders, and a photographic opportunity on the Shetucket River in the TLGV canoe. Meet at Red McKeon Park, 30 Taftville-Occum Road (Route 97), Occum (Norwich), CT. For information or to RSVP, email Bill@tlgv.org or call 860-774-3300.
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