Explore The Last Green Valley Trail Camp
Last summer, The Last Green Valley, Thompson Rec and TEEG had a crazy idea that if we worked together we could figure out how get middle school kids outside safely. Middle school children especially were facing a second straight pandemic-created, lonely summer of little to no activities for kids their age. We knew getting them on the trails for a week or two could really help provide some happiness and excitement, but also help relieve the stress and pressure on families worried about their middle schoolers.
That pilot program got 18 kids out on the Air Line Trail State Park Trail all the way from Thompson to Lebanon over two weeks. And it worked.
In 2022 we plan to operate from a hub in Thompson to give 120 kids that kind of experience. Campers will be empowered with new skills, connecting them to the outdoors and their peers, while giving their families the pleasure of watching them take on new challenges and be excited for the day ahead.
Campers will have the opportunity to hike a variety of trails, their skills developing over the course of the week, be able to understand trail signs, read a map and use a compass when they are done. They’ll also be exposed to outdoor STEM-based activities, such as learning about water quality monitoring, the sun and more. They will learn about local history and agriculture and have the opportunity to connect to one another and the adults assisting the camp in a small group environment.
The Trail Camp is supported in part by the Centreville Bank Foundation, the CT Society for Women Environmental Professionals (SWEP), Chace Building Supply, the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern CT Foundation, Corner Stone Quinebaug Masonic Lodge 122, Millennium Power Partners, the Putnam Area Foundation and over 25 additional generous donors.
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