Giving to The Last Green Valley

Aerial view of The Last Green Valley, photo by G. L. Sweetnam

Please join us in celebrating the natural and historic character of this emerald green land of farms, fields and forests, hills and rivers in the midst of the East Coast's urban sprawl.

We are grateful for your support, and we promise to use your dollars wisely, connecting and inspiring people to care for, enjoy, and pass on The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor.

With your donation, we will work hard to ensure that our unique natural and cultural resources – those that give us a sense of place – remain vibrant as our economy grows.

How Can I Donate to The Last Green Valley?

Monetary Gifts: You may use your debit or credit card to make a gift online in our shop. You may send a check made payable to The Last Green Valley Inc. to P.O. Box 29, Danielson, CT 06239.

Monthly Recurring Gifts: Automatic recurring gifts are a great way to easily support TLGV on an ongoing basis. You may use your debit or credit card to make a recurring gift here in monthly installments.

Honorary or Memorial Gifts: You may wish to make a contribution to honor or memorialize a loved one or friend. These gifts may be made via mail or online in our shop (you will specify this information once you select a donation level).

Gifts for the Future: TLGV has established nonprofit agency funds with both the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut and the Greater Worcester Community Foundation These funds will provide interest income to support annual programs and organizational operations in the future. Gifts to TLGV for these funds, or gifts made directly to the funds, are a wonderful way to ensure your support will live on for many years, helping the organization to accomplish its mission now and into the future. These gifts may be made via mail or online in our shop (you will specify this information once you select a donation level).

Stocks, Securities, Mutual Funds: Gifts of publicly traded stocks held at a brokerage may be transferred to benefit TLGV. This option may be a beneficial way to avoid paying capital gains tax on appreciated securities. Please consult your financial and tax advisors to discuss the implications of such a gift. You may contact TLGV Executive Director Lois Bruinooge at 860-774-3300 or for more information.

IRA Rollovers/Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD): Donors age 70 ½ and over have the option to transfer a tax-free distribution directly to charities like TLGV, up to a certain yearly limit. QCDs are especially tax-advantageous for taxpayers who must take a required minimum distribution (RMD). Any donor who wishes to make a such a distribution should contact their IRA trustee. Please be sure to consult your tax advisor to discuss the tax & reporting implications of a QCD.

Beneficiary Designation: TLGV may be designated as a beneficiary on various bank accounts, life insurance policies, or certain retirement accounts. Please contact your financial institution, financial advisor, or insurance broker to learn more. Such gifts will be reviewed by TLGV's Finance Committee - please contact TLGV Executive Director Lois Bruinooge at 860-774-3300 or to discuss.

Real Estate & Personal Property: A gift of real estate or personal property may be offered for consideration by TLGV's Finance Committee. These transactions may be complex and of substantial value. For more information, please contact TLGV Executive Director Lois Bruinooge at 860-774-3300 or

Legacy Bequests: Bequests are a thoughtful way to remember your favorite charities through your will. Gifts can be made as a specific dollar amount, a percentage of an individual's assets, as gifts of property or as life insurance. We suggest you speak with your attorney before deciding to make such a gift so that language that carefully explains your intentions can be included in your will. If you are interested in supporting The Last Green Valley in this way, it would be helpful to notify us of your intentions so that we may add you to The Last Green Valley's Legacy Society. You may contact TLGV Executive Director Lois Bruinooge at 860-774-3300 or for more information.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, gifts to The Last Green Valley, Inc. are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Help celebrate & conserve our rich natural & cultural resources.

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Please Support Us!

The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

We rely on your membership contributions and donations to carry out our work. Together, we can care for it, enjoy it, and pass it on.

Become a member, make a donation!