The Last Green Valley is Seeking Spring Outdoors Walk Leaders!
The Last Green Valley is Seeking Spring Outdoors Walk Leaders!
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is coordinating its second annual Spring Outdoors and is looking for walk and event leaders. Spring Outdoors launched in 2016 and was a great success. In 2017, Spring Outdoors will run from the Spring Equinox on March 20 until the Summer Solstice on June 21.
Similar to Walktober, nonprofits and businesses can benefit by hosting a walk or event that will connect people to their organization’s lands, trails, waters, treasures, services and stories. Walktober was tremendously popular this past fall, drawing more than 64,000 people with almost 300 opportunities to enjoy all of our wonderful resources in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor’s 35 towns. Walktober leaders are encouraged to take this new opportunity to reach more visitors through Spring Outdoors. Land trusts, conservation commissions, trails committees, farms, historical societies and small businesses can again highlight what makes each of them unique.
If you have not been a Spring Outdoors or Walktober leader before, now is the time to step up! TLGV Project Administrator Marcy Dawley (marcy@tlgv.org or 860-774-3300) is ready to help. There is only one requirement to offer a Spring Outdoors and Walktober activity – you, your organization or your business must be a TLGV member or partner. It’s that easy and it’s fun!
Spring Outdoors promises to grow just as Walktober has done, and it will be wonderful to experience many of these properties, trails, museums, camps, woods, waters and more in both the spring and fall!
TLGV will develop a web-based brochure that can be downloaded and printed listing all of the activities, plus all of the choices will be listed on TLGV’s Facebook page and website events calendar.
Learn more about the National Heritage Corridor and Spring Outdoors at The Last Green Valley’s website, www.thelastgreenvalley.org.
The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley works for you in the National Heritage Corridor. We help you to care for it, enjoy it and pass it on!
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