Learn and Protect
Grant Opportunities
What great things can you accomplish with a little help from The Last Green Valley? Let's work together for our communities. Learn more!
Agriculture & Forestry
"The Last Green Valley" really says it all - we are still rural with 84% forest and farmland. Agriculture, forestry, and related businesses have tremendous potential in our region because of all the land and water resources that remain. Read more about TLGV's support for the continued growth of agriculture and forestry in the region.
Earth Month & River Clean-ups
You can help keep The Last Green Valley clean and green - join a clean-up crew or form your own! TLGV will reimburse your organization up to $500 for expenses like publicity, cleanup supplies such as trash bags and work gloves, and food for your volunteers. Plan your cleanup today!
Historic & Cultural Resources
The Last Green Valley is filled to the brim with historic and cultural resources. We are home to 278 properties and historic districts that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation. We also have 5 National Historic Landmarks. Learn more.
Land Use & Conservation
The Last Green Valley is our home, and our legacy. Even today, it is still surprisingly rural, with 84% forests and farms. TLGV supports sound land use decisions at the municipal level through educational workshops, publications, and presentations. How do you want your community to look in 20 years? Learn more about our programs.
Programs For Schools
We bring The Last Green Valley's rivers, streams, and lakes to your classroom or camp. Our watershed education program provides a great introduction to the Thames River Watershed using maps and a hands-on model called the Enviroscape. Your students will explore how day-to-day activities can cause water pollution, and the simple steps they can take to prevent it. Click here for more information.
The Last Green Valley Rangers
Do you belong to an organization that is looking for an interesting and informative program? Consider a presentation about The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor by a TLGV Ranger. Read more about the variety of Ranger Programs available to your organization.
And if you enjoy meeting people and love The Last Green Valley, please consider becoming a TLGV Ranger. TLGV Rangers represent the organization at fairs and festivals, help present Ranger Programs, and always have fun! Become a TLGV Ranger!
Watershed Protection
The Last Green Valley comprises the majority of the Thames River Watershed - the third largest land area draining into Long Island Sound. Explore a Thames River Watershed Map. We can all do our part to keep our water clean. Learn more about water quality monitoring, watershed education programs for kids, and watershed protection.
Please Support Us!
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
We rely on your membership contributions and donations to carry out our work. Together, we can care for it, enjoy it, and pass it on.