NEWS FLASH – TLGV and Partners Bring $6.1 Million to the Region for Forest Conservation!
TLGV is proud to announce that it has successfully partnered with 19 organizations to bring $6.1 million in new federal dollars to the region for healthy woods and forest land conservation.
Most of the funds will go directly to landowners for bird/wildlife habitat assessments and forest management plans, good forest conservation practices, and easements for permanent woodlands protection.
The funding was awarded by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service after a very competitive process, and underscores the importance of our southern New England forests to not only the region but the nation.
The incredible lineup of top-notch and dedicated partners includes: MassConn Sustainable Forest Partnership/Opacum Land Trust, Northern RI Conservation District, MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Providence Water, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Hull Forest Products, Thames River Basin Partnership, New England Forestry Foundation, Eastern CT Conservation District, Norcross Wildlife Foundation, RI Division of Forest Management, RI Woodland Partnership, Harvard Forest, Yale Sustaining Family Forests Institute, Audubon Connecticut, Mass Audubon, and of course the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
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