Past and Present Mix for Upcoming Historical Collaboration in The Last Green Valley!
Past and Present Mix for Upcoming Historical Collaboration in The Last Green Valley!
History is our story in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. To help preserve and pass on compelling stories, The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) and the Lebanon Historical Society Museum are set to host the third quarterly program of the year to share resources and expertise, encouraging inter-regional historical fun. Donna Baron, Museum Director, and her team will host us at the Lebanon Historical Society Museum on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 from 4 – 6 p.m. at the Museum located at 856 Trumbull Highway in Lebanon, Connecticut.
A mixture of past and present combines at this location, and we’ll see how they complement each other.
The museum is housed in a modern facility where you can view the “How They Learned” exhibit, which was installed in 2016 and will on display until early 2018.
Historic building are also on site, and you can tour the Pastor’s Library and the Beaumont House at the collaboration. The replica Hearse House, home to the museum’s antique hearse parked inside, will be open, too! A new farming exhibit in the Carriage Shed is in the works at this time, and if it is ready, you will see it! If not, that is a great excuse to return to this fun and fact-filled destination.
A long-time partner with TLGV, the Lebanon Historical Society Museum offers diverse events throughout the year, including some Walktober events. The connection between TLGV and the Lebanon Society is made stronger yet as the Museum Director, Donna Baron, is also an active member of TLGV’s Board of Directors.
Each quarter, TLGV, volunteers and staff from different historical societies, libraries, and other like-minded history-loving individuals and organizations present their specialties so that all participants can learn from each other instead of duplicating efforts and energies. Historical efficiency!
Contact Marcy at 860-774-3300 or email Marcy@tlgv.org to RSVP, to learn more, or to host a historical collaboration session!
The Last Green Valley’s Facebook page and website, offer information about TLGV programs, volunteer opportunities, partnerships, contests, an events calendar and more. The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley works for you in the National Heritage Corridor. We help you to care for it, enjoy it and pass it on!
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