Savings Institute Bank and Trust Supports The Last Green Valley

From Left to Right: Sharon Wakely, Finance administrator of TLGV, Joan St. Ament, Vice President of Savings Institute Bank and Trust, Lois Bruinooge, Executive Director of TLGV, and Deb Kennett, Loan Officer of Savings Institute Bank and Trust.
Savings Institute Bank & Trust’s generosity towards The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) continues with a $3,800 contribution to support the organization’s work.
The money supports two TLGV programs: Tastes of The Valley and quarterly Historic Collaborations. “Savings Institute Bank & Trust has long been a supporter of The Last Green Valley,” said Lois Bruinooge, executive director of TLGV. “Its contributions help us ensure our programming can not only continue, but be enhanced to meet the needs of the region. Historic Collaborations are an example of TLGV meeting a need in the national heritage corridor and Savings Institute has stepped up to help us.”
“We’re a proud supporter of The Last Green Valley,” said Rheo Brouillard, Savings Institute Bank & Trust President and CEO. “The organization’s programming helps educate residents about the rich history and offerings of the national heritage corridor. TLGV also puts a focus on local businesses and local agriculture that we support whole-heartedly. We all live in a special region and we want to ensure it stays that way for future generations.”
Historic Collaborations are quarterly meetings organized by TLGV to bring together historical societies, public libraries, and other like-minded organizations to share their resources, knowledge and expertise with one another.
Tastes of the Valley showcases local farms and orchards by pairing products grown, raised and created in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor with top-notch, local restaurant chefs. This year featured a sit-down dinner featuring special guest “Farmers at your Table” to help bring new meaning to farm-to-table cuisine.
Savings Institute Bank & Trust, headquartered in Willimantic, Connecticut, offers branch locations throughout Rhode Island and eastern Connecticut. With 1.6 billion in assets, the Bank is a full-service community-oriented financial institution dedicated to serving the financial service needs of consumers and businesses within its market area.
The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor is the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley, Inc. works for you in the National Heritage Corridor. Together we can care for it, enjoy it and pass it on! To learn more about the organization, visit thelastgreenvalley.org.
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