Soaring Over the Last Green Valley: A Walk to See Bald Eagles – Date Change – Jan. 11 walk has been postponed til Jan. 12
Note: Jan. 11 walk has been postponed until Sun., Jan. 12 due to the weather. Bald eagles return to The Last Green Valley in great numbers each January. Some seek open waters for hunting, others are returning to their nests to rebuild and prepare for chicks. Join TLGV Chief Ranger Bill Reid at 10 am on Jan. 11 and 25 (Rain dates: Jan. 12 & 26) at the Quinebaug Valley Trout Hatchery, 131 Trout Hatchery Rd., Central Village, CT. Difficulty: Easy
The Trout Hatchery, at the confluence of the Quinebaug and Moosup Rivers and, of course, home to trout, attracts both migrant and resident bald eagles. Chief Ranger Bill Reid will lead us on an easy walk on mostly level ground while we scan the skies for soaring eagles. This location has been a successful spot to see eagles perching, hunting and flying. There are often many other winter birds to see as well. Bring your binoculars or a camera and bundle up. Please be aware that sometimes we are standing still watching the skies. Bill will also be sharing the latest facts on bald eagles and have materials you can take with you about these amazing birds of prey. Please note that we cannot guarantee an eagle sighting but this location has been chosen due to the frequency of sightings. Registration is not required but appreciated to ensure enough materials. For more information call 860-774-3300 or email Chief Ranger Bill Reid at
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