Sponsorships Available for a New Twist on Tastes of the Valley – A Farmer at the Table!
Sponsorships are available to help support The Last Green Valley’s (TLGV) programs through its annual Tastes of the Valley feast and fundraiser. This year’s event will be held on Sunday, August 27, at the Publick House in Sturbridge. Help us celebrate all things green, growing and delicious in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor with a new twist on the region’s favorite farm-to-table event!
Tastes of the Valley has been The Last Green Valley’s signature fundraising event for the past 11 years. It showcases local farms and orchards by pairing products grown, raised, and created in The Last Green Valley with a variety of local chefs. This year’s event will feature the traditional appetizer, dessert, and beverage tastings, plus a new twist – guests will also enjoy a farm-to-table, multi-course, sit-down dinner. Seated at each table will be a farmer, vintner, or brewer for guests to converse with as they learn more about what it takes to keep The Last Green Valley green, growing, and delicious.
Sponsorships Packages are available now to support Tastes of the Valley and to guarantee your seat at the table (we expect to sell out quickly). Packages start at $300 and include a set number of tickets and publicity at each sponsor level. We must hear from you by June 23 in order for you to be included on the printed event invitation. Individual tickets will be available soon at $95 for TLGV members and $105 for non-members. For more information, contact LyAnn Graff at 860-774-3300 or LyAnn@tlgv.org. You can also learn more about Sponsorship Packages here.
The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley, Inc. works for you in the National Heritage Corridor – together we can care for it, enjoy it and pass it on.
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